That was one hilarious episode, all the Cheryl and Archer banter was pure gold.
That was one hilarious episode, all the Cheryl and Archer banter was pure gold.
Yeeeeeey, I'm loving his stint on Arrow, I'm glad we get to see more of him on comic book roles
I actually read that scene as Simmons thinking for a second that his heartfelt "I'm sorry" had something to do with what the real Ward did, that the program was somehow remembering things or something, but then just stopped giving any kind of shit once she realized it was just the fake one
HA, a la Deadpool
Don't know anything about the character from the comics, but I enjoyed the Viper we got in Wolverine, she was pretty creepy and chilling, a nice little secondary vilain
As usual I really liked the episode, Radcliffe and Aida were fantastic, and the interaction between all the rebels was also very well done and fun.
Agreed, though more so than an inhuman I think he wanted to "fight the good fight" and be a respected and good leader
Pontiac, my bad, again… Man, I'm on fire, lol
I don't know, his head and face don't really look like Cable to me, he has too distinct features… Also, unfortunately he's a little too old by now I think
I guess the fact that nobody will confuse a purple CG alien with a Brolin looking Cable made it possible.
Haha, so much snark for such a basic piece of news, how do you do it AVClub?
Haven't seen the trailer and don't want to since I'm sick of getting spoiled too much plot or jokes, and I'm also sick of getting false expectations. I pretty much stopped watching trailers after the Age of Ultron one led me to believe that it was an epic, more serious game-changing showdown with devastating…
I can understand that, but if you ever have the opportunity I suggest you give it another chance, it's quite hilarious, and often poignant and sad too.
Really? Scrubs is much funnier and more memorable to me, compared to B99 where everything is just silly Scrubs actually had some tragic and heartfelt episodes that I'm sure I won't forget
Sure, I know that, but first of all this is mostly in the US. In other countries SW isn't such a big and commercialized obsession.
Oh, right, Pontillac Bandit, my bad… You're wrong though, I watched every episode of the show.
I still don't really know how to feel about this show, I guess it's usually fine just to pass some time with a fun, light-hearted and non-demanding fare…
I still don't know how to feel about this show, I guess it's usually fine just to pass some time with a light-hearted and non-demanding fare…
Ha, good to know, I was suspecting sarcasm a little bit but I didn't really get what you were trying to say, and at the end I thought you were saying that people like me that want less severity then mock mall cops or something, I don't know, lol
Hey, I'm not saying it's not essential, but there are sooooo many essential movies, Star Wars is just one of them. It doesn't even matter what I say are essential movies, it's pretty subjective and there are still many essentials that I have yet to see. I do think that even TESB isn't all that great of a movie, I…