Yep, the CG has been fantastic this season, in particular the shot last episode of Daisy basically disintegrating an LMD with her powers was amazing, it could have come from a movie
Yep, the CG has been fantastic this season, in particular the shot last episode of Daisy basically disintegrating an LMD with her powers was amazing, it could have come from a movie
Yaaaaay, SHIELD is back! What an exiting way to kick of this new chapter, can't wait to see what's next.
Right? Maybe it was just the stage light or something like that but I noticed it too
I can understand you not liking Vice, but why would me being a "stoner" explain that I like it? What a strange assumption to make… Also I generally dislike stoner humor, and there wasn't really much of that in S5 anyways
I do partake on the occasional daily reefer marijuana cigarette and liter of Vodka, but I have watched Vice sober and still enjoyed it a lot.
Seriously though, I'm a big fan of Archer and basically watched every episode at least 3 times, and I am always happy to revisit season 5. The whole second half of the season is…
Yeah, it was a little light on jokes but it set the table nicely, I'm exited to see what's next.
Also, who cares, Archer's back!
What? Archer Vice is one of my favorite seasons, I still don't get the hate for it
I never thought that either, but rechecking the episode I noticed that you couldn't really make out her breasts (usually big and that should be noticeable even with those old-time clothes) which might be intentional
I've heard good things about it and it looks pretty cool, I'll check it out once it's collected.
Ok, sure, maybe I didn't choose the best example because that's true and I am completely ok with them only meeting during cross-overs… but that doesn't take away from the fact that speedsters are too OP and that that creates many storytelling issues in their own DCCW shows
I mean, running bits into the ground is kind of an Archer trademark isn't it?
Ok, sure the much criticized "Pam on coke" shtick was overused at the beginning, but that was kind of the point. Also, if you watch the season as a whole and not on a weekly basis, you realize that it really wasn't as prevalent as people…
Why finally? Archer VICE was initially poorly received mostly because "Oh no, change, I don't like change!", but I think that in retrospect most people now agree that it was a great season.
To me the whole second half of the season is one of the funniest and certainly the most consistent run of Archer episodes ever.
Eh, that's the issue with speedsters in the DCCW in general, they are too OP. If you think about it Arrow shouldn't even be a show, since he could just call Barry who will be there in a few seconds to solve the situation.
But for me in a show like Legends for me it's the fun that counts more, so the cool visual was…
I actually hope they will again go for some kind of ensemble of villains and not just a typical all powerful big bad that works alone
Agreed, but a speedster is just too OP for TV, after the endless illogical and stupid decisions of the speedsters on Flash I've learnt to just accept it mostly. And in general I think Legend handled the problem quite well.
Altough the 100 Reverse-Flashes not killing them all instantly was a little dumb
Probably, I roam on many dark corners of the Internet…
Yeah, that moment was awesome to me just because of the sheer insanity of having like 100 Reverse-Flashes, but the execution wasn't the best, once he basically decided to kill them they really shouldn't have had time to do anything at all with the Spear
I think I never saw a show that improved as drastically as Legends, I couldn't even watch all episodes of the 1st season because I got sick of it and this one was just pure awesome. Best parts of this fantastic finale:
Just now? Haha, it took you long enough ;)
Let's have a minute of silence for poor Reverse-Flash, he was a terrifying yet tragic villain who was the perfect choice to "lead" the Legion of Doom.
And he really went out with an epic and emotional bang, what a great decision to give us more of Matt Letscher since we barely saw him in Flash S1.