Yep, the MPAA is a ridiculous association that should be disbanded fore numerous reasons. Also, americans need to get over their puritanism, lol, in Europe most rated R movies allow teens over 12
Yep, the MPAA is a ridiculous association that should be disbanded fore numerous reasons. Also, americans need to get over their puritanism, lol, in Europe most rated R movies allow teens over 12
So much snark in this article, I guess the AVClub has a certain quota of Internet bandwagon pleasing to do.
Anyways, the car does look bad, I don't care if Batman is guncrazy but the design is just unappealing.
I never watched the movie or read the comics, but I did see the HBO animated series and that one was really great, I enjoyed it a lot. I think Spawn is a character that works better animated, but with CGI being as good as it is now a Spawn reboot could work nicely too.
I for one am totally on board with the project,…
A fun simple episode, I enjoyed it a lot. Every episode featuring Teddy is gold for me anyways, I can barely contain my laughter just looking at him
Oh right, I remember that one, I think they must have talked about the century eggs too for that article and I got it from there
Didn't the AVClub post the same exact article just a few months ago?
Ok, some of these actually seem like serious and problematic nutcases, like the Craig Pillard dude, his interview was so fucking batshit crazy and racist that it felt like some kind of parody. Some other ones seem like typical fabricated controversy, what the hell is transphobic about the Lord Mantis cover?
Hitler would have probably killed himself… Well, he did, but I mean that by nazi standards he doesn't look very aryan
I mean, since Firefly is made by the same person you can't really say that he was inspired by his own work can you? Well, I guess to some extent that could be true
I like Joss Whedons work a lot, especially his particular brand of humor, but never saw anything Buffy related. Is it all good, should I just watch the complete series? And what about the Angel spin off? I'm just not sure where to start, and I am kind of intimidated but the length of it all, I don't really want to…
Oh yeah, I don't care much about what is or isn't canon so I was talking about SW in general, wether it's the new "official" content or the old EU, they seem to give every single background element of the OT way more importance then the OT creators did, haha.
And I agree that not restricting your films because of old…
Yep, it was a nice and inspiring visual to have all the ships appear but it left me somewhat indifferent since I was scratching my head at how it happened.
Eh, the limits of a 20min single episode, just make up your own explanations in these cases :S
Completely agree, I love to see space with nebulas and beautiful colors and constellations, and the Lasat episode had one majestic moment where Zeb used his staff. Coupled with some great music that was one of the best moments of the show imo, even if the episode surrounding it wasn't the best
Just looked him up and I vaguely remember his face from the OT but that's it. See, that's what I'm talking about, every single character in the OT has a lot of backstory and importance in the universe, and like 3 pages of history in Wookiepedia, it's so adorably nerdy
I know, I'm not complaining about Mon Mothra or anything, and in her case it makes sense I just find it funny (and very nerdy) is all. Still, she only appeared like 1min in ROTJ I think
Honestly, to me it wasn't anything in particular, just a very noticeable general drop in quality compared to TCW.
This is in season 8 already? Is the show any good?
I would be totally on board with some serialized mythical and sexy Vampire action, but I am not convinced by this one since it looks too much like typical CW soap opera, and True Blood doesn't look that exiting either… Also, they are both so long…
On a side note, I find it funny and borderline ridiculous that every minor character that appeared in the OT for a few seconds, even if they didn't even talk, are very important people in the larger SW universe.
And the hot streak continues for Rebels, another great episode!
The version with Stan Lee in it:…