
Meh, he never was much of a character in X1 or X2 either, so his sendoff in X3 felt appropriate to me, even if it was a little clunky

Thanks, I never heard anything about the character or the comic but it sounds great, I will try to get my hands on vol 27 to check it out :)

I actually liked X3, I didn't mind that they killed of the mayor characters and how the Phoenix saga played out, but then again I didn't read the comics before hand.. Having read them now though, I still feel like X3 did a good enough job with the Phoenix, it's tough to adapt, if they went to space and had included

Sure, I mean, they are all flawed and your enjoyment of them depends largely on your personal relation to the X-Men characters and universe, but they are not bad or even mediocre movies.
Personally, my favorite is First Class, McAvoy and Fassbender were fantastic in that one, I really enjoyed how they integrated the

Really pumped for that one! Don't be so harsh on the franchise though, it has it's highs and lows but X2, First Class or DoFP are all good movies, arguably excellent ones depending on who you ask

Not for lack of trying though, I can't remember the last big issues that didn't mention Trump or the current political climate in the US

Suicide Squad vs Justice League: I finally got around to reading the mini-series after all the positive buzz, and I liked it, it was pure fun with some incredible and detailed art depicting all the huge battles between tons of heroes and vilains. However, I find myself not caring much for any of these people, maybe

Right? I miss discussing comics, and if they removed that feature it just puts me one step closer to leaving this site, seriously, there are almost no good articles about pop culture anymore.
I mean, even the comic articles were sometimes shitty because they forced social context into the article and down our throats,

At some point I honestly started to believe that they were ending with this crazy life story montage leaving it somewhat open to interpretation, a la Taxi Driver on crack

I'm actually somewhere in the middle, I like Ward but he never was a favorite character of mine, and the actor was fine in his roles, especially Hydra Ward, but he isn't great either

Yep, I loved that too, it makes it feels less like you are only watching "main characters of a show" and more like you are watching a group in a larger universe

I feel for you, but he is quite a beloved character by fans so, you know, they will bring him back sometimes, and most of us are happy to see him again. Also, would you really have prefered to see Lincoln again?

Wow, such an amazing episode, easily one of the shows best.
I love AoS, what a great show! They always get the finales right, even if along the way the show may stumble a little, they nail the beginning and the end of each story, which are the most important parts anyways.

So, you're also missing the comicbook articles to discuss comics?
And I envy you for still having 5 tpbs of Deadpool goodness ahead of you, the Posehn/Dugan run is really great!
I also highly suggest you check out Deadpool vs Hawkeye, it's hilarious, especially if you read Fraction's Hawkeye… and if not what are you

probably because Maher speaks out against the left when they do bullshit, like their whole PC shtick

Ugh, please, sure Maher did some dumb shit from time to time, but liberals are just butt-hurt that he criticizes them too when there is reason for it… And given how democrats fucked up the election against a moronic, racist man-child I think there is more than enough reason to criticize them. Also, I never heard him

Yeah, that's the only thing I truly miss, the characters bantering with each other and having fun, but it's just not enough to win me back… Especially since in S3 most characters are mopier than they used to be. It's really disppointing how fast Flash went downhill after an amazing first season, I guess the constant

I guess I could try that Mr. Positive, but it's not the only thing that got me to quit the Flash… I also don't care at all about this season's new speedster vilain, nor about the Iris dying vision, nor about Caitlin struggling with her powers, nor about Kid Flash and Jessie, nor about Barry being the most incompetent

I watched it a few years ago, sure the animation is wonky but the story and voice acting was pretty great

Seriously? They use an unprecedented amount of CG that looks quite impressive on a TV show and you think their intent was to save budget on this episode? What the fuck makes you think that? On the contrary, the CG is so expensive that they had to resort to a few cheaper things as to not go overbudget, like having the