Say what you will about the Peppers’ music in general, they definitely have Cheops, even if now they’re mostly a bunch of old Gizas.
Say what you will about the Peppers’ music in general, they definitely have Cheops, even if now they’re mostly a bunch of old Gizas.
I want Robert Redford to make a movie based on this video.
Look after yourself RHCP! What would happen if you accidentally fell under an ancient curse which made you only able to write the same 2-3 songs for 30 years, despite being generally capable musicians?
There’s no second e in ‘ghettos’, reverse Dan Quayle.
The lighting on Flea seems to be fairly strong and single-source coming from his anatomical right, whereas the background looks like it’s lit by the sun from straight overhead. I think the image is Photoshopped.
Damn son, are you trying to beat the charges or get confirmed to the Supreme Court?
I’m a big fan of the idea of him not flying. i don’t want to risk it.
For what it’s worth, when I was just a wee lad, my cat Cringer (don’t judge. I was, like, five years old and He-Man was life), went missing from our ninth-story apartment one night. After searching every inch of that place for her, we went out on the balcony with a flashlight to look out there. The balcony could see…
I assumed that, off camera, he just jumped out the window right after Tommen, in the kind of display of unmitigated loyalty and devotion for which cats are so well-known. to feast on his remains.
I assumed that, off camera, he just jumped out the window right after Tommen, in the kind of display of unmitigated loyalty and devotion for which cats are so well-known.
Zero reason to watch the final season now. Congrats B&W, you played yourselves
The House will not end the shutdown because we don’t negotiate with terrorists.
I think we should all say fuck it, and not have the Oscars.
He even mentioned GHWB’s “large hands.”
And you can hear all about this podcast and other podcasts on my podcast podcast, Podcast P0dcast.
I demand The Final Countdown and Eye of the Tiger next year. Let’s escalate this motherfucker.
Demi is one of the few must-follows on Twitter.