Lord John Whorfin

Humala bebuhla zeebuhla boobuhla humala bebuhla zeebuhla gone.”

Good cheese shops will also grate the block for you. Where I go, they grind the block and give back the rinds in a separate baggie.

Now playing

The first thing I thought of was British carbonara:

Not sure where you live Lord, but here in southern California, the least expensive place to find UK candy is at a local fish and chip shop. They have a whole wall of UK food including candy. Maybe see if you have a British fish and chip shops that do the same near you. 

Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

I’m in a Facebook group for morticians (not in the field, just a curious cat) and her name is anathema, its ridiculous how much folks there hate her. But I agree with you, her videos are interesting and accessible, and I always recommend her to my friends.

Wow, that is a horrible looking website. Why is everything so big? Some of those headlines are kind of gross, too.

Don’t forget that Food 52 picked up Sohla and Rick. Rick Martinez is, in my mind, the biggest loss to Bon Appetit. The man brings more natural class, knowledge, and likeability to damn near any other cook on youtube. He’s the kind of guy you could build a channel around.

So that’s the 3rd pig one!

Ian Fleming also had an offensive, shocking I know, portrayal of lesbians in 1958's “Goldfinger” as Pussy Galore was 1) a lesbian by “choice” because she was a misandrist after getting raped by her uncle 2) Galore was an evil seductress of one of Bond’s female allies who extorted sexual favors from the latter in order

I am with you!  Whatchamacallit was my favorite candy bar until it was ruined by the caramel.  Although I don’t eat candy much anymore, I might give this one a try...

If I treated the people around me like he does I’d be worried about poisoning, too.

You’re right on the money. The lack of any charisma or apparent ethics is the FEATURE for these people. They love the idea of politicians who lie, as long as it’s for “their side”. They do not care how charming or clever anyone in office is. Those qualities make them feel nervous and inferior.

I was a CS major for a year at the same time you were.

I think the only thing working against Sanders is that she hasn’t (yet) publicly espoused Q-Anon theories. I honestly think the age of the non-Q-Anon Trump supporter is passing into history. Expect Trump candidates to get more radical. Sanders’ only qualification was that she was “there” for some of it. But a true

Having gone back up to look at the other clips, I think the one with them jumping between the monorail cars is about as hilarious. (DOINK)

That’s a bummer to hear about Sonnenfeld, and is made all the more strange by the fact that he is possibly the dweebiest looking person on the face of the planet. I can’t imagine that personality coming from that face. I really liked “Get Shorty” when it came out, so again, bummer to learn that about him. I would also

Is tomato pie a pizza or focaccia with sauce on top?

Oh shit, You’re me....LOL

Years ago I knew a recovered/recovering coke addict who had about a million hobbies. He tried to keep himself really busy, because when he wasn’t busy, he particularly wanted to use. If John Mulaney was anything like that, a year with very little to do must have been terrible.