Lord John Whorfin

I’ve dealt with narcissistic psychopaths before, and Trump set off my alarm right away. From day one, I knew it was just going to be a daily circus, because that’s what these people do. It will not end until he dies, because even as an ex-president, he would likely never stop blabbering.

Illegitimi non carborundum!

This is where I’m hoping you can help, SW. If we could eat here, pay the fee, and hold up our end as good customers, great. If not, I think this place is out of our reach for now.

I can forgive most things. Most

Where’s my pitchfork and torch?!?!?

how could you?


Two by two. Hands of blue.


How sharpie than a serpent’s tooth it is to have ungrateful and mocking minions/subjects.

Buffalo buffalo buffal Buffalo buffalo buttholes. 

White Castle technically steams their burgers on a pile of onions, they do not grill them (insert steamed hams joke). The party line is that the holes are there to let the steam pass through which cooks them faster, more evenly, and without flipping, while bathing them in oniony steam.

I.... uh.

Her affinity for butts is apt, considering how full of shit she is.

My 6 y.o. loves it. Which probably proves your point.

I can’t wait till it does, I’ve been practicing opening beers with my biceps... sorry, Manceps, for years just waiting for my one big shot at the small screen.

300 sucks.

True. We need Channing “Taters” Tatum in a banana hammock in the background to really sell this canned piss-water.