Lord John Whorfin

Real sign from my neck of the woods. Not photoshopped. They finally changed the slogan in 2015.

When they shot him.

If you leave the pit in and cover the uneaten avocado half with the empty skin of the eaten half, you’ll be surprised how well they store. They never last more than a day in my house, but they’re just as perfect when I eat them as when I put them in the fridge.

Bless Weird Al, a genuinely decent dude who’s always been exactly what it says on the tin.

...& Weird Al Yankovic

The thing that makes it hardest to enjoy is just how incredibly fucking awful it is

“He always has that expression like he’s smellin’ his own farts, and he’s thrilled about it.”

“William P Corgan”

They have some kind of child molester town in the everglades too.

It only stinks if he’s not washing it properly.

They are both too in love with the sound of their own voices to change. I view them both as relics from the past. And I’m older than either of them!


Beautiful. Poetic.

Wow. That was the tritest movie I’ve ever seen. Filled with laughable stereotypes and it completely wasted the setting of Barcelona; there wasn’t a single interesting shot of that lovely/seedy city.

VCB is an absolutely exquisite piece of storytelling.

Wasn’t that Murder By Death? I mean I suppose it’s possible the Ustinov one had the same line....

Because the Americans who overwhelmingly buy guns are white. Extreme vetting is for brown people.

Yeah, most people don’t get this but only mega stoners should eat weed. Eating is much more intense than smoking. I’ve been a light weed smoker for more than half my life at this point and I will not even attempt to eat it anymore.