
Seahawks win: People Bitch about some bad call/play/form. Seahawks Lose: People still bitch that they suck.


I have one reciprocal rune victory, and one ancient rune victory left on the quest but I try and check out the court for a drop in. Damn those bouts get crazy on the stolen runes. It’s like “YOU SUMMON GOLOGORTH!.....AND HIS 6 FRIENDS!!

I was waiting for this from the start from the Face paint.

For me Destiny gives me 99 problems, and 2 hours a night to chip away to 290 Light level (285 Currently). But otherwise I hope I can muster enough time still to take a bite out of the game vs. a scratch.

I thought he was a classy guy, until now. Now he’s just like every prick QB in the league. Fuck him right in throwing arm.

Concept looks like something they should have done 10+ years ago. Production will still look like something like the last 50 years.

Phillip Rivers is a piece of steam shit pulling a stunt like that, I never liked him now I hate him as a human even more. Pulling a Ravens/Detroit level stunt like that. Knowing that Clark had a past granted, but trying to get back at him for a sacking him. Grow a sack yourself. Your line failed you that time, get

I like the amount of fuckery in this article, this pleases me. Pats deserve nothing better than this article (Fans not excluded, especially).


If you look hard enough, there is a confused little girl holding onto a box of tissues. Just trying not to get cried on or bowled over.

As a Seahawks fan, I cannot wait to see the Patriots one now. I thought this one would have more depth than last years roast. Saving the best for last I see? All I can do is laugh at these, I am immune to the hate now. Please let me know when this team stops affecting your personal life and happenings.

They just made my millennium with this! Now to rock it later next week.

It really is the Maine One the article wants to speak of lol

This pleases me, thank you. (Me watching the GIF)

So they put a bomb in a mining dump truck, but it could do more damage just driving through the building vs detonating in the bed of tub (if that’s where they chose to place the IED). I but I’m sure they will be packing some high yield fertilizer bomb in the bed so that will be hard to miss.

I just need them to stop making stuff system exclusive and let us all enjoy it.

Still a Stellar return TD.