I lived there in Lajes Field AFB while my Dad was stationed there. Great place to be at beyond the hurricane force winds seasonally.
I lived there in Lajes Field AFB while my Dad was stationed there. Great place to be at beyond the hurricane force winds seasonally.
It’s like Mega Man Battle Network, the different modules on the fly. The MegaMan.exe was sorta bland until he could use the different Navi program module to make him a hybrid.
Moral of the story, Russian women make it look good. Very good... Excuse me for a moment.
Too bad I don’t have a working computer....
So my question is I can’t get Perfect Dark to play even though I own the Digital copy on 360 and it tells me I have to buy it in the bundle to play it. I’m just trying to find it on my Xbox. I am a Preview member and can’t even try to do this, or am I just being hard headed?
Then do up an article and submit it to Kotaku if you want to enlighten the masses. No point on just wasting it on me. You certainly showed me some new information. I take a defense easily, sorry.
But, but, but isn’t console shaming the latest rage?
System exclusives are hurting either side of the proverbial coin, albeit complete games or DLC. It’s creating a whole new rift beyond the console wars now we are in a who new level of it with DLC. Just because I wanted the DLC for Destiny that is exclusive to PS4, won’t make me go buy a PS4. That is just plain silly.…
The Queensbreaker Captain happened to me as well on my hunter I just started, I got complacent on what I was rolling on and only had time to read the ?? level before the huge slash. I was all like “WAIT THAT’S NEW, SHIT! Wait no it’s not I’ve killed this thing before...” /facepalm.
So excited to hear this, FAWK YEA! Go Hawks!
War of the Ancients. It will give you a real reason to return to Kalimdor and Darnassus. Teldrassil will be used again and the Veiled sea. I’m not an Night Elf fan but those area’s very poorly used. The books were great for the battles in general, and some folks are still ignorant to Illidan’s origins.
Needs a wider screen, oh and blood splatters for authenticity.
Hyaku-Shiki was a incomplete prototype meant to be the transformable Delta Gundam. They forewent the transformation function for a needed MS in the field and more testing, and due to the development of the Zeta. It was a beast of a MS to begin with high output, and fast. New Anti-Beam coating formula to boot as well.
So the Playstation Master Race does have problems after all.
All this “PS4 EXCLUSIVE” BS is pissing me off one at a time. I want more out of the game but I am not going to to buy a PS4 ever for it. It’s ultimately a punishment for the Xbox crowd. All the the exclusiveness should end this Fall and be done with it.
Resounding facepalm.