
thing is, considering just HOW MUCH our phones do for us and is an essential need in our lives now, 700 bucks is still a bargain to me. think about the money we drop on a bunch of other shit that we don’t actually NEED. like, is 700 bucks for a phone that does almost everything you 14-16 hours a day expensive when,

to be honest, i am stunned at how many (probably, 40%?) of reviewers have mentioned how they could never get used to LG’s back buttons. I’m like “BUT THAT’S EXACTLY WHERE YOUR INDEX FINGER SITS WHEN YOU’RE HOLDING THE PHONE!!!!”. It’s completely natural.

lol you felt he need to capitalize the first letter to motherfucking cunt... why? you a clown.

lol why you mad? 46 people liked the first response to your initial post, and 19 people liked mine, compared to 8 liking yours, so obviously the majority disagrees with you. i know, I KNOW, you gonna say “ i dont care what others think”, but the fact remains you a clown for trying to be a smart ass. i wouldn’t have

arguing whether or not gmail is the superior service is besides the point, the main point is your first comment being all condescending/snobby is hilarious given the bad rep your preferred email service has. it’d be equivalent of someone using a Nokia smartphone being snobby about a discussing about the new iphone or

seriously? someone using a microsoft email service is being snobby/pretentious about it? LOL. i’m not google fanboy by any stretch (i hate Hangout) but gmail is by miles the best email service

is it really THAT HARD to plug a phone into a usb cable though, considering the majority of us who work at a desk five days a week? i really, REALLY don’t get all this brouhaha over the ability to swap batteries. like, i plug my phone in when i sleep. i plug it in various times over the course of the work day, and

how fast does the g4 camera load up? both from lock screen and normal home screen? the g3 is far too slow in that regard. i ran a side by side with my gf’s iphone 6 (opening the camera from lock screen) and the iphone 6 camera got to ready-to-shoot a full second before the g3. to me, who cares about all these specs,