
Chicago had strict laws ten years ago, but most of those limitations have been stripped by the courts to force federal compliance, on top of that 60% of guns used in gang related crimes are from Indiana, Wisconsin and Mississippi, States that have way more lax laws than Illinois

Some reference: http://www.chicagotribun

No, of course not. More like the ones that keep Australia safe.

every tried to use your phone without being rude at a meeting, in class, at dinner? you probably don’t want to have to point it at your face to unlock it first

Rose is in bloom again....

Fuck Lebron. Yeah I said it. Fuck Lebron James.

Some people just deserve shit. And you just have to sit back and let it wash over you.

Bulls got absolutely jobbed this game as the refs missed more than a few obvious calls against the Cavs. Lebron in particular gets away with a crap ton of fouls.