
No, but they could encourage community policing and motivate young black men to JOIN the police force instead of having impossible dreams of being an NBA player. If you want to change police culture, change the people who police.

I won't boycott, but it's funny how everytime a black person is shot that people now just assume it was an unjustified shooting before any evidence is presented in a court of law. Oh and f**k Michael Brown, nothing, but a thug who robbed someone and assaulted an officer who then feared for his life.

I can get behind Trayvon, he was just minding his own business, but f**k Michael Brown. Brown strong arm robbed someone and assaulted a peace officer to the point where the officer had to fire his weapon. Why people list that sh!t head as a victim is beyond me.

LeBron is a saint bro. I mean, damn, think how hard it is for him to make that sacrifice and live in Ohio. He's just the best. I bet it is hard for him and his millions of dollars to make that work. Who else would strive for that life?

Yes, how brave for these three to take a whole day off during the off season to film this. These guys are right up there with Rosa Parks, Harvey Milk, and Martin Luther King Junior. They put their vacation on hold to fight the good fight and to shine a light on a problem that the media was ignoring. I'm now a huge NBA

Sandra Bland hung herself and was NOT killed by gun violence. She died by her own hands, SHE made the decision to die.