Farewell, My LeBroncubine

In the Australian Open, the balls roll back into the bunker counterclockwise.

Of course! But that’s exactly the problem. They’re supposedly celebrating a win for women and shit but make a joke without even thinking for half of a second about women. And if they think getting a woman intentionally pregnant so she’d have an abortion (yeah, I know it’s hypothetical) is funny, it’s because they’ve

That’s a whole lot of context to try to pack in there. Not every joke is crafted to lie perfectly balanced on the nexus point of every socially-aware thing that has ever happened.

I don’t think the problem is that it’s unfunny, but what it implies.
SCOTUS rule was something really important for women’s autonomy and health, and in the Twitt those same women stopped being subjects of the ruling and became passive objects to be used by the assumed readers (women still watch TDS!). It also

This is about butt stuff right

Monroe plans to use his time off to educate children on the dangers of pain killers in football by starting the first ever Puff, Puff, Pass and Kick competition.


I’d love for this to completely devolve into the Roman orgy that is Vegas: topless showgirls dancing on a platform hanging over the ice between periods, $3.99 all-you-can-eat shrimp buffets every 30 feet along the entire concourse, an ATM planted in the armrest of every single seat.

The best part is when the bullpens run to the brawl from the outfield...right next to each other

Still not the worst beating suffered by a Ventura on the mound.

My wife got yelled at for sitting on a really crappy bench at a modern art museum that was actually just a really crappy piece of art.

Said Briles: “Originally the University gave me two weeks to decide to resign, but in true Baylor fashion they decided to go ahead and fuck me whether they had my consent or not.”

The difference is that the effects of a 110-pitch outing don’t make a person lose his mental capabilities.

Nonsensical Kinja.

Since August or something ridiculous, right? Football 365 had a great article about it up earlier this week.

Excellent post.

To add-on to it, one of the most fantastic things about this Spurs squad (and I detest Spurs) is that they are 5th in the Prem in fouling opponents, but they way they defend and attack, yellow cards are spread nicely throughout the first team. They don’t have to worry about one player accruing too many

I guess you could say that fence is so tall, it’s two Story’s.

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Endless Sumner.

Wenger in!