Farewell, My LeBroncubine

Ugh. Unreadable. I couldn't finish the first paragraph. How is this an acceptable entry for this site?

What the hell is this supposed to be? Informative? Not particularly. Funny? Not in the slightest. COME ON JEZEBEL!!!

Saw all caps and I just scrolled down to say: too dumb, did not read.

It's boring.

All caps do none of those things. They only make you look less than educated and desperate for attention.

Why does Jezebel allow this nonsense on here? How is this clever or funny? How is this informative, or interesting? Lindy West seems to think this website is her own personal blog where she can just post whatever ridiculousness that pops into her head. She takes a story, and tries to find the fastest way to make it

Girl I love you but no.

We know you love caps Lindy.

Makes sense. If his stats prove anything, it's that Tebow can only succeed in environments with close-to-no coverage.

pictured: opposite ends of the pussy-getting spectrum.

"It's not black people's responsibility to be your personal racism tutor...": I couldn't help but laugh at this one given how many times authors in this site, including Lindy, have to be schooled on race issues.

Lindy, I think you're going down a dangerous road here.

You seem exhausted (understandably) by having to explain things, and you seem to not give a shit about responding to honest inquiries versus so-called "concern trolls." I get it.

But to give a blanket "fuck you" to anyone and everyone trying to engage you in

So Lindy West is the Richard Branson of feminism. Good to know.

Awww, you must be exhausted from all that rage. The burden of your overwhelming intellect and humanism obviously leaves you no time to suffer the middling intellect of the barely educated. This is a public fire that YOU FUEL WITH YOUR WRITING. You wanted to be a writer, great. Own your place in the public sphere

Awww, you must be exhausted from all that rage. The burden of your overwhelming intellect and humanism obviously leaves you no time to suffer the middling intellect of the barely educated. This is a public fire that YOU FUEL WITH YOUR WRITING. You wanted to be a writer, great. Own your place in the public sphere

Yes, Lindy, it's all about YOU.

"it's not women's responsibility to take your moist little hand and give you a guided tour through the oppressive, old-timey limitations that circumscribe our lives"

Sorry, friend—for the record, forever, FUCK NO AND FUCK OFF.

You're ruining my joke with your knowledge. :(

I still feel like this is a battle not worth winning as, while I understand the importance of comedy (and specifically, stand-up) to a lot of people, I don't think it can be "fixed." Meatheads will continue to love meathead comics, and any attempt to reform meatheadism is just more likely to antagonize meatheads. In