You can have Fazio for a song.
The top 4 looks pretty stable to me. Chelsea, United, Arsenal, Liverpool, and City pretty much cover the table, save two appearances by Spurs, and a single appearance by Everton (a while ago).
It’s clear to me that Bale’s steroids regimen is finally overtaking CR7’s regimen - Bale just has to wait it out another year or two.
My reading of Draper’s reading of this is that Brady said “no” to the NFL, and by gosh, no one says no to the NFL.
As a pressed ham enthusiast, I am deeply saddened to have been tricked by thighs.
The 100m dash is a single skill sport. And our collective ability to find the fastest people and make them faster will probably mean that the fastest human in the world will be a male for a long time.
Given the talent of kickers in the modern game, and the fact that the closest guys to the kicker are probably not “hands” guys on a normal kickoff, I think I might order the kicker to try to drill the closest guy and have out team get the rebound.
I know my razbliuto is of the warm nostalgic kind.
Homer: You know, Mr. Burns, you’re the richest guy I know. Way richer than Lenny.
What is the rate on “Pittsburgh OPT” that it comes out $2.17???
Bale is going for the Wolverine look, I think.
All anyone should ever do is use Citeh for it’s money. It’s a sham club.
Wouldn’t a halfsterectomy be in order here?
I’ll bet Levy is slapping his beautiful, bald head, trying to figure out a way to get Klopp. MoPo better be checking the fine print in his contract - I’ll bet Levy hid some sort of ejector clause in there.
I’d say it’s only 7 steps - he gets to set his feet after he has the ball.
We're talking about the race of who gets killed in America by law enforcement inside the larger theme of white/non-white relations in America.
That does it - I'm gonna start a youtube channel called "Soccer highlights set to early 90's college/alternative rock with a quiet/loud thing and also a dash of shoegaze"
late to this party by months, but I wonder what League One and Two average salaries are.