I know, what a slut you are, amirite? Gassing up your car, being a woman, existing. You should really know better!
I know, what a slut you are, amirite? Gassing up your car, being a woman, existing. You should really know better!
For once and for all: There is no such thing as gumbo north of a line extending through roughly Marksville. Anyone selling you "gumbo" up there is full of crap.
Red-haired babies are the cutest!
What, no love for Bill Weasley? I love this thread so fucking much!
I still refuse to believe Eddie Redmayne is real. He looks like impossibility and is named like it, too.
Yes! After a lifetime of being mocked LOVE ME!!!
Oh god, I find men with red hair to be incredibly attractive. I also love secret redheads - the kind who have blondish or brownish hair but then you either a. get them naked or b. they grow out their facial hair and the red hairs come out.
I know you're a huge commenter on Deadspin but that's a really shitty thing to post about someone getting murdered. Was that lame joke really THAT important that you just couldn't refrain from posting it?
Hopefully she will give you a piggy-back ride when the apocalypse comes!
Fan Mail more like Man Fail!
They met in early 2012 and were married in October. Miscarried in Jan 2013.
A lot of non-essential places are open on Thanksgivings and other holidays, though, like bars, coffee shops, restaurants, etc. Getting Thanksgiving off (or getting time and a half on holidays) are privileges that 9-5 office workers get, not the service industry.
I'm not sure if that would be the case in New Mexico particularly though. A lot of hispanics here have ties to the area that go back centuries. My boyfriend can trace his family back about 300 years.
I volunteered at a planned parenthood, and I can tell you anecdotally that the emotion i saw most frequently was this immense sense of relief
She did, actually. The ACA removed Congress from Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program. My understanding was the loss of FEHB in the ACA was a way to kill the act. It didn't work and now Congress doesn't get FEHB.
It would be really amazing if, just once, a woman or person of color could tell a story about the way sexism or racism has affected them without multiple men or white people lining up to tell them that they just too stupid to realize that the sexism or racism they faced didn't actually count, because that, like,…
So going by these rules, if a baboon and two donkeys have a hot three way that results in spawning, is that a badonkeydonk?
Geez, Dodai, White Walkers aren't the zombies, those are Wights. White Walkers, despite their appearance, are really more like the fair folk. Frost spirits, more or less.
It is not.
Ask the professor what grade she would have given you.