
Upside down method, except replace the nozzle cap altogether. I’ve found that a standard 2-liter soda cap works with a lubriderm bottle - the same cap you find on 20 oz soda bottles, too. No more tricky balancing a pump nozzle upside down.

And now ignored by the supposedly “woke” commentariat that lives outside the greys here, too. One comment allowed to see the light.

AI scientists are overwhelmingly South Asian and East Asian with whites comprising probably a third to 40%. Just like every other piece of software that’s developed these days

And yet there are were ZERO Asians arrested for violating social distancing. Just like advanced schools in NYC, sites like this can only gnash their teeth against supposed institutional racism by making a facile comparison between blacks and whites while ignoring inconvenient truths about Asians who prosper in these

Guess what’s larger in those same cities - the Asian - Black academic achievement divide.

“Shanks says she doesn’t condone the threats to Dean (making her a hell of a lot better than me)“

Ray Rice - Black man attacks black woman in an elevator = Permanently cancelled

Close to 5 out of 5 black students at Harvard get in because of Affirmative Action. Compare Harvard’s demographics to the highly selective public schools in states forbidden from using Affirmative Action - Berkeley, UCLA, University of Michigan. The black student population minus recruited athletes is less than 1% at

“People convicted of felonies still have families, and these families face the consequences of a deportation through no fault of their own.”

Are you an idiot? You can see the two guys in the videos. Do they look like native Scandinavians to you? I can guarantee you that they’re Iraqi immigrants of the children of such.

Ashley Fires and Nikki Benz are both 36. With or without the Deen allegations in their life, their porn careers would have hit a wall in the last few years. You might not think it’s fair, but it’s the reality of being a female performer in mainstream (not niche) porn.

Shocking that you have yet to cover Lauren McCluskey’s murder. Seems to check a lot of boxes for this site:

Terrible math. 8K is four times (4X) the resolution of 4K - ~32 megapixels vs 8 megapixels. 8K is 16X the resolution of 1080p - ~32 megapixels vs 2 megapixels.

It’s spelled “descendant”. For the record, if said person wasn’t your great, great... whatever grandmother or grandfather, you aren’t considered a descendant of said person.

I understand painful family frictions over a whole host of matters. However, it speaks very poorly of you that you would set an internet mob on your own mother. You do this for a living and you understand internet virality and offering up easy villains; you don’t get a pass for ignorance relating to the welfare of

Religion is one of those protected categories. And religion is far more entrenched and enshrined in the laws than sexuality. The hypothetical gay baker would, then, be required to bake a Westboro Baptist Church cake (probably provided that it only spells out the group’s name rather than their messages). Religion also

If supposedly the “bad optics” of the lack of women qualifies as news, why not just recycle this entire article with a picture any our pro sports teams from the four big team sports? Just change a few nouns every now and then and you can mine outrage all calendar year long.

Getting health insurance through your employer isn’t tantamount to running a 4 minute mile. 8 years is a more than fair timeline to get your shit together to reach that “high watermark”.

So google images shows that you’re married to an adult American white male. What’s his excuse for not getting his shit together in the last eight years and securing his own source of employer provided insurance? At the very least, if he’s a convert to your way of thinking, this would mean perpetuating the fraud (or

How is it you comment on every single thing on this site, no matter how trivial? Honestly. From an array of comments I’ve seen ascribed to you, you seem like some sort of lawyer or legal advocate (or want it to seem as such). What’s your financial interest in contributing like a hundred comments (times a couple of