
Those solar eclipse viewing glasses are all defective; can’t trust em. Imma wear the 3D glasses I got when I went to see Friday the 13th Part III. As I recall; those things worked great!

I never recommend buying a vehicle that was used to tow a fifth-wheel. I never recommend buying an old Dodge truck. I never recommend buying a vehicle with a quarter-million miles onit.

Their losing defies the space-time continuum, and statistical likelihood.

Or you could insert “fascist, racist, leftist, Conservative, nazi, commie...” type insult as a preliminary escalation before the threats start. It’s good to build up to a full-blown internet war by escalating slowly so you don’t seem irrational all at once.

Cleveland is a hoot. I went there over the summer and had a good time. I’ll forgo experiencing it in winter if at all possible!

I always thought a Browns pregame ritual would be somber. It’s a cheap shot but I couldn’t resist.

You proposed solutions instead of bitching about problems or brandishing threats, or calling people Nazis. Star for you, although you are internetting incorrectly.

And they probably won’t.

I’d do poorly if negotiating with a breast-feeding mom. “Yeah, whatever. Just take the car and pay us whenever!”

Wait: winning is a thing?

Something with a pancake engine.

I also hate this process. Buying a car shouldn’t take 5 hours, but some how it does. To minimize frustration I married and my spouse is a tenacious negotiator.

I stopped working on cars, professionally, over 15 years ago, yet GM is still giving me a headache.

Looks great! With those wheels, it’s a little MR2ish

Run! Don’t simply “Walk This Way”

Good to see that they are, like many 80s GMs, holding their value terribly. Seems like they are a steal at that price.

How did you acquire this knowledge?

I liked it better as TMI DMC CP

FCA; Fucking Chinese Automobiles. No need to waste money rebranding when you can just change the meaning of the existing acronym.

And yet that speeedo has 20% more range than the Delorean needs.