
That's because I think to some degree they don't have a natural rhythm anymore. It's easy to forget that the bulk of those early podcasts were recorded in about an 8 month period - back then, Scott and Scott had a much more conversational tone.

Far be it from me to defend the guy, but I believe that Trump owns no casinos in Atlantic City and hasn't for many years. His name is still on some of them but he does not have a stake in them.

It's up on Howl now.

I like Koyaanisqatsi a lot. The problem it has now is that the best shots from the film have been reused elsewhere, so everything will feel familiar, but the film is also 35 years old, so everything will also feel dated. But yeah, I can't not recommend this film. Caveat: I love Philip Glass and think that

Am I the only one here who went to CBB live at BAM on Saturday? Great ep, Wompler and Listler showed up, and Atamaniuk and Gemberling did a duo act that was incredible. And that's not even mentioning Lapkus, Tompkins, Gaul and Tarver. It's not on Howl yet, and part of me hopes that it's going to be released either

It sounded like Jay did not know how long the show typically went and had fucked up his schedule - he made reference to having to pick up his children? That said, I do not know how I feel about Mohr on NNF or anywhere. He seemed to lose confidence in his riffs quickly and bounced from one thing to another too fast.

While the 2 hour Rattle and Hum episode is not the best comedically, I really enjoyed Lance Bangs's specific recollections of being a U2 fan in the mid 80s. I'm not a U2 fan but I've also never been a fan of a musical act that went from playing small clubs to playing stadiums in 5 years.

30s here - I had somehow never really heard of David Lynch in the late 90s; I knew Twin Peaks existed, I knew Dune was a movie, and I knew about Lost Highway - my friend had the soundtrack and had seen the movie. Still, I'd never seen anything by Lynch until my freshman year in college when a friend got Mulholland

I don't. He was never really a fit for that job.

Norm and Chappelle could have been anyone. They could've been Jim Breuer and Eddie Griffin. Or two white guys or two black guys or whoever, it didn't matter.

I was so disappointed in Screwed. Was very excited to see it after how great Dirty Work was, I think there were maybe 10 people in the theater, it wasn't very good. and most importantly, it wasted Norm - he had almost no deadpan deliveries a la 'No, it must be uh, your phone' from Dirty Work. It was just a mediocre,

The recent episode with Will Hines and Andy Daly was the origin of it, I believe. The episode with Gavin Spiller, D'Arcy Carden and Chad Carter is the Case Closed on it.

I'm not taking sides here, but Chuck really isn't in any condition to travel anywhere.

Lapkus and Holland left, but yeah, looking at the pics, it looks like Baltz/Newsome, Tart/Nicholson and Rowley/Tarver shared mics and everyone else stayed. Hey, they were having a good time, why not.

I agree that I don't think he's a good fit for these episodes with a ton of people because he's possibly the steamrolliest guest on CBB (Adomian used to hold that title but he's not on anymore), but I can't hate.

I'm behind on i4h - I just heard the final Case Closed on the Subway sandwich incident - but this makes me excited to catch up. And yeah, Besser could easily just crank out episodes based on suggestions each week, but I'm glad he feels compelled to switch it up. After all, he has been doing improv for 25+ years at

4th Anniversary Show is a classic, I recently re-listened to it because it was in the Howl Traci Reardon series. I do miss The Bachelor Brothers - listening to Rust and Campbell have to yes-and each other with their penchant for dumb puns and pop culture arcana is phenomenal.

I completely forgot about this. Sometimes on these huge episodes I wish there weren't seven people in studio on mic - it can really derail whatever bit people come into studio with - but then stuff like this happens.

Nicholson's ability to come up with a different definition for Bone every time killed me.

My parents never had any idea what I was doing online. Any time they'd look at e.g. IRC it would all just look like nonsense to them, and that was 20 years ago.