
I don't really want to summarize the story Carl told - I don't want to ruin it for anyone, even someone intrepid enough to make the bottom of the Podmass comments - but yes, this is the gist of it, but it's so much more than just this.

You definitely needed the right kind of people, but thankfully I had that. Plus since some of us just hadn't played as much Goldeneye as the others, I think some people in my friend group preferred how these modes were so abstract from the 'run around and shoot people' style of multiplayer FPS - playing the normal

I haven't finished the ep but the part where Lennon starts doing a horrible Lorne Michaels impression and everyone else jumps in with their own terrible SNL impression is a highlight.

I wasn't a fan when it initially aired and while I do think it is a bit too obvious about the fact that the Simpsons writers were reading a.t.s. and getting annoyed with what was being written there, there's some jokes I really like. Like you said, the best ones have been run into the ground, but more importantly, we

It's definitely lame, but at least in Goldeneye, it is not going to be effective either. There's few unassailable positions and if you're watching the camper's screen, you can easily avoid where he's camped out.

I don't find myself laughing all that much at Off Book - I kind of laugh at the flubs + attempted recoveries because it's clearly SO DIFFICULT - but it just fills me with joy when they nail a song. Jess McKenna might be the quickest improviser I've ever heard and as someone said down-thread, Reino is (almost) as good.

It is baffling to me that people played this game trying to enforce the idea of not looking at the other players' screens. This to me was the whole game - as an FPS, not looking at the opponents' screen turns the game into a reflexes match (and similar to anything else out there via LAN etc.), but with the ability to

Ulf Samuelsson was not on the 1994 Rangers - they traded Zubov in the deal to get him.

I suspect this is why while I do not play console games at all anymore - Goldeneye/Perfect Dark were the last time I ever did, though I never owned an N64 - I play lots of board/tabletop games with my current friends. It wasn't about shooting each other, it was about the fun of getting together and playing games.

Yep, all of this. My friends and I loved Goldeneye and also enjoyed Perfect Dark, but I had zero interest in Perfect Dark 1P (I never owned an N64 but still managed to play lots of 1P Goldeneye), and while we played lots of it, I can barely remember anything about the Perfect Dark mutiplayer levels. We played lots

Farsight was great, if you could play all Farsights and just have 4 people trying to deduce where one another were. I think we did that a few times. But the mode we especially loved that was similar was playing only Slayers (rocket launcher) only on the 2nd mode. This was where you controlled the rocket you shot by

The Laptop Gun was ridiculously overpowered in multiplayer and surprisingly not fun for something called a laptop gun. I think we had a house rule that no one was allowed to use the 2nd mode.

The Klobb was not only the weakest gun in the game, I believe it was also the least accurate. It was also never the best gun in any License to Kill setting, but it was still satisfying to Klobb some poor bastard if that's all you had.

This too, I think we've probably talked about this but I miss the days when CBB would have characters who were part of Scott's life. I like how Todd and Scott 'yes-and' each other about their shared existence.

If you have Netflix, Lapkus did a version of Todd for her 'The Characters' special.

She's invented a whole backstory for that character - she did Regina Krimp at least twice on the CBB live tour - but I find it really hard to distinguish what is canon from what is not.

I've had 'Philadelphia collins' in my head since that stupid riff.

I hate the paywall, since it makes it that much more challenging to get into this podcast, but I'd say that the presumably unpaywalled 468, 474, 478, 484 and 485 were pretty good.

I mean, it's got 5 shows left after the one I'm watching now, so it is not technically 'gone' yet, but yes, it will no longer be airing after that.

No, it's neither. Chris Tallman does a character who is some sort of Pepsi brand manager. If it had been Li'l Gary, I might never have tried the show again.