
Flossing while you shower is a HORRIBLE idea. 1, It wastes a fuckton of water... you’re just sitting there, water running, flossing; the same exact thing as you’d do by the sink. 2, it’s no more efficient, unless you use that handheld floss brush and lather up with the other hand [At Same Time]. Most likely not the

I’m still salty about the New 3DS not making it to the U.S because the Face plate looks cool too and you don’t have to buy a New System.

I think your perspective is just skewed. The amount of anime we had available to us outside Japan when a show like Cowboy Bebop came out doesn’t even compare to today. For the most part we were still watching anime on a VCR back then in the late 90’s, and all the anime that got licensed internationally were basically

You and I have very different definitions of the word Progress.

Too bad, you would be so proud of me.

Having seen the first two movies, I can definitely say that these were made for fans of the game, and not to convert people who aren’t. The game is roughly 70-80 hours long, and it’s split up into four movies that are 90 minutes each. Even though the movies (the first two at least) cut out social links (one of the

Here it probably means spike it into the turf or something. In the U.K., do nothing with it for 90 minutes.

Edit: I blew the joke. See below.

Oh these make me smile. DLC PLEASE CAPCOM!

I actually miss the bad voice acting in games from the 90s. I don't play for immersion, just sheer fun and I always loved Resident Evil's voices. Tenchu Stealth Assassin had some great bad voice acting, too.

Hmm yes, the Uncle Terry Lite school of art. Deep. Really thought provoking. Her facial expression says, "Lets all go do shots!" but her train lingerie says, "I already did shots!" I like the juxtaposition of the model with all the haterz trying to commute. Probably to their stupid ass day jobs that are not edgy at

"Your Eyes Won't Believe This Man Can Actually Walk On Planks!!"

I'm still shocked we aren't getting the smaller version. No plans to but until I can. I have the Zelda 3DS XL and it just isn't portable enough.

Half-Life 3 confirmed?

As long as the game's second half is worked out better, I'm in. I hit chapter 8 about a month back and felt so burned out by the repeat performances I just quit. I want to finish, and I'm going to, but I don't know when that will be. They should have cut out chapter 5 completely and the first 60-70% of chapter 6 at

Also, the awesome colored buttons is only for the 3ds and not the xl. The XL only has the letters on the buttons colored. Sad :(

I dunno, but I can point to numerous mainstream sites that spent the day claiming that Hello Kitty was not a cat.

This just in: Jezebel staff as equally unable to handle criticism as their reader base.

Yeah, I guess I'm an asshole to be offended by this post.

When will you be posting the illustrations of what Disney princess pussies look like?