
I don't blame them. I'm still freaked out that I even have nipples.

sex slavery seems alive and well in S. Korea. I guess its ok though, when its koreans enjoying it, and not the japanese. desperately poor elderly women are forced into prostitution.


The reality is that politicians exploit nationalism to stay in power, as they and their corporate

That sounds similar to situations here in the States. It's VERY tiresome.

Not possible to remove that One Piece.

Part of why Koreans still have this mixed/negative attitude towards Japan is that unlike Germany, Japan has thus far done a lackluster job of acknowledging its crimes leading up to World War II, and Korea was where some of the worst stuff happened and also where Japanese conservatives have typically been quick to deny

Speaking as a Brit. With the British and French, it is over a thousand years of hostility, politics, double dealing, war mongering and empire building on both sides of the Channel. Both sides spent a century kicking the crap out of each other near continuously over royal succession, they let Napoleon run roughshod

The biggest issue is what Japan did before and during the world war II. You can cite a lot of articles on wiki or other sources regarding what Imperial Japan had done during the world war II to China and Korea.

Idiots doing what politicians tell them to do so they can benefit politically happens all the time in all places.

It is understandable in some ways though. The way in which the Japanese treated the Koreans during their long occupation of the country can be rather hard to get over, furthermore the resulting divide of the country that was partially caused by the Japanese was also rather traumatic. Although it was rather depressing

Wha?? Are you trying to say they all look the same??

Your control of the english language is impressive.

Simmer down, fanboy.

Serious question... when you play a game, do you feel a need to project yourself into your on screen avatar? I'm curious, because I'm sure a lot of people do that. But I never really have. I like to think of playing a game, like reading a book. As long as the story is entertaining, and the game is fun... I don't care

I only care about gender when it's a game where you can create your character. Otherwise I never complained that I'm forced to play as a guy in Uncharted and God of War. The developers can make whatever story and characters they want. In real I'm pretty short. Should I demand more short characters in my games? Should

I'm not white nor am I a man and I don't need a character that fits my exact sex and race to be able to identify with them. After all, that would be sexist/racist of me. As for representation - when there are more minorities than white heterosexual men buying and developing games, we'll see more of them.

This is a mountain made from a molehill. Video games were better when people stooped trying to inject their social commentaries into them and just enjoyed the game. Not everything is an attack on gender, race, or sexual preferences and and people are becoming overly sensitive to a point where it's almost silly.

I can excavate that. Props on the pastel-like hair colour rather than something incredibly bright and harsh, the lock of blue goes well with the soft lilac.