
I feel that yelling at everybody you come in contact with works best. That way they feel like they are all being treated equally.

There are some really nasty trolls in the clothing industry!

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If licensing wasn't a problem, I would love Harmonix to remake Bust-A-Groove using Dance Centrals engine...That would be most impressive

Way to throw down create areas of high and low pressure!

Director Ash Thorpe and his Project 2501 team recreated the title sequence, Motoko Kusanagi's birth, in a real-life environment, with a bit of CG added.

I think it's partially because of tensions of supporting Japanese consoles which is partially at play, at least with the way they used to be actually outlawed or extremely censored until mid 2000s. By then, they were too used to making games on the PC platform and that's where it snowballed.

infinite growth is unsustainable. Thank you to the late Michael Rupert. America has a federal reserve problem.

'ubisofts failure to communicate'?? Eat a dick. I'm glad they didn't feed into this bullshit.

People would complain because the image was 93% white, arguing it didn't cater to the game's diverse player base.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like it would be legal

Whoah wait what!!?? You can sell game remixes/covers now?? Since when did this become a thing?

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A heads up, the guy who directed Ping Pong, Masaaki Yuasa, also animated an upcoming episode of Adventure Time

part of me wants to scream : "WHY?!" , but the Miku fan in me muffles those screams

This is a completely victimless crime. The items can be restored instantly and very easily, Jail time is insane for something that if anything inconveniences someone. Think about what it means to be in prison for any amount of time and tell me its worth someone having to go into a database and restore someones

No kidding. I don't think I want to play a game where I have the wonderful option of complimenting her hair or her clothes.

Maybe you should think about that for a second. Rumor has it, guys don't like "throwing up your breakfast."

Jesus Christ, Konami and Nintendo, just release a LovePlus game in the west. Just once. There isn't absolutely anything like it in our market. Why is it that we can't have nice things?

That's called life. Don't need to play a sim to experience that.

Rocking heels to highskewl, so fetch

As with most things in life, there is a time and a place for everything. HDR isn't inherently evil, it's just often a technique that is abused. Also, if you're getting weird halos, you're doing it wrong. Subtlety is key.