You should try posting that under a picture of San Francisco. Doesn’t hurt to give a little extra info or context for those who may have never been there :)
You should try posting that under a picture of San Francisco. Doesn’t hurt to give a little extra info or context for those who may have never been there :)
Towada is a beautiful area in Northern Japan. I used to go to Lake Towada for sunrise/sunset. and nearby is Orasi Gorge which is stunning streams and nature.
3/9 also thanks like “thank you” which of course is used by the younger generations.
Too many are glossing over the 10% and simply happy to get anything.
I’m with you. 10% is an insult. I’d rather let my digitals remain ghosts than to support such a model.
I still and always will buy physical when I can.
Probably they will keep getting cheaper as Samsung is finished with the interchangeable lens cameras now.
For that reason, not a good purchase.
There will never be new lenses or updated bodies. Though you could adapt plenty of old glass.
Their cameras received good reviews, but the Samsung name doesn’t instill the same…
Probably they will keep getting cheaper as Samsung is finished with the interchangeable lens cameras now.
For that…
When will we get external battery packs that are charged up via usb C?
When will we get external battery packs that are charged up via usb C?
The worst part about the last few games were the tutorials that took hours explaining the simplest things. I couldnt even get into Dream Team for that reason alone.
If yo used to work at target, you would know they put returned game consoles back on the shelf. they get sent back to the manufacturer for inspection before being resold.
so an employee did it before it was ever sold, or the family is lying.
I can never understand how some Final Fantasy games end up with worst stories. They usually have fantastic art, music, gameplay (sometimes) but then they let some 12 year old kid pick names out of a hat and formulate a story that makes no sense what-so-ever. and they just go with it!
i don’t why they continually let…
He might have been refering to the windows store edition of minecraft. Which is the same as the mobile/consoles versions as far as i know.
I was annoyed the entire video that the guy kept saying “shin ra” instead of how it should be pronounced, “sheenra”
that is an incredibly well made video! i’m in awe of it.
and of course, i agree with everybody that we need a real animal crossing on wii u.
I hate when these games have slippy floaty turning. Extreme G was probably my favorite in this genre (sorry f-zero! i love you too!)
Extreme G’s bikes hugged the track and steered where you told them. it was glorious.
He gave a way better than I could have. I would have simply said “shut up and stop being idiots.”
That’s such a smart move by microsoft. Sony used to have such great support by their fans, but theyve really screwed the pooch with their ps4 lack of support for even previously purchsed classics, let alone any disc based stuff.
I sold my ps3 to buy my ps4. It seemed only logical that people would be able to continue to play their digital purchases of older games.... But nope!
People who use the word “aint” can get into Yale?!
Oh please, it wasnt bad. Those desk are easily toppled over. Plus she was slid across the floor, not thrown across the room.
they should just give all the children some crayons or markers or something to fix it. it wouldn’t really cost or waste anything, and the kids would probably have fun.
please don’t brush teeth or floss while showering. it’s a huge waste of water. people already spend too much in the shower.