
Weapon Shop de Omasse.
This new game sounds exactly the same. Though the gameplay could be different.
The gameplay of de Omasse was pretty limited (actually it would work well on a tablet or mobile device) but the game was pretty humorous.

You have an excellent point to add perspective.
I remember the days of my youth being enticed by anime and scouring for video cassettes, and waking up super early on Saturday mornings because the Sci-Fi channel would play an anime movie.
Now days I don’t even have time to watch all that I’m interested in. Kids who grew

I once made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs...

you mention Right-handedness. all the left-handed people I've met in my life still use a mouse with their right hand. I imagine if you grow up doing that, regardless of which hand is dominant, the right handed mice would still be natural.
has anybody met or seen someone using a mouse with their left hand?

you mention Right-handedness. all the left-handed people I've met in my life still use a mouse with their right

where might one watch these films?

Notice how the guy cooperated with the police? they usually don't shoot people who are sane and cooperative.

this kind of BS is why I stopped playing so many years ago. It's only fun with a group on a LAN so everything is fair.

Now I want to play Tenchu so bad! That was easily one of my favorite games back in the day.

I'm in the exact same boat! I love my zelda xl. but i'm rather taken by the New smaller version. Its screens are actually a larger that the old, and the system looks very nice. I'd keep it on my person more often than my XL.


still depends on where you are. i live near a university in korea, and the arcades are always packed. they dont have the newest games like in japan, but they're still frequented and fun.

Once I reached chapter 5 and saw what was happening, I treated Chapter 4 as the end of the game in my mind.
Then I read about it online, and feel I didn't miss anything.

A lot of the photos look pretty great! And location shooting is much more interesting than studio in my eyes.
But being a photo guy as part of a "studio" he should really have produced a better video. The sound was pretty bad and it didn't look like he cared about the lighting either.

I'm pretty sure a guy got smashed and died in that first gif.

the interchangeable faceplates are only for the 3ds, and not the XL. which is a shame. I can't go back to the smaller screen, but I would love some faceplates.

I never understood the appeal of Kingdom Hearts

such a lazy design! the box design is better.
at least the inside looks decent with red buttons and black d-pad

But it's easy to make a growth or dent in our own knowledge. That couldn't possilby result in a phd, or we'd all have one.

You can be assured here at Jezebel they'd write the cruelest hate article they could muster about such a post regarding disney princesses. they'd also be sure to complain about whatever gawker branch had posted said article, and tell all the readers how wrong it is.
This site is trash, but I occasionally get sucked

yea, and when my grandpa used to tell WWII stories i'd tell him, "shut up gramps, you're boring"