
you could as well have left out the word "porn" in the title and it would have been the same thing.

i see they, too, employ a clever chocolate-saving technique.

never be disappointed in another man's package.

i like the old-timey payphone ring.

mmm...the butt on that girl wearing zebra stripes

+1000000 to the tenth power

this is stupid. ask any person in the 3rd world whose been crapping by squatting - the natural way - their entire lives.

does GR explain how some women are warped?

ugh those are some ugly models. does anybody find those women attractive?

it's not just sex that is over-indulged leading to marital infidelity. the problem is a combination of abundance and lack of discipline. obesity is an epidemic for similar reasons as well as probably the state of our economy; people living beyond their means because they consume everything. most people are

can you heat up the fleshlight in a gas cooking appliance?

um, but it's not pure nacl. is the fishbone composition fully digestible - it won't leave residue sitting in my colon for years will it?

i'd rather get my hands (not literally) on some liquid nitrogen. any way to make that stuff?

they should just bring back the ghostbusters cartoon - that was funny!

they also have the best nicknames for their coins.

a woman's definition of creep: any guy who talks to her whom she does not find physically attractive.

thank you. so i'm not the only one...

oh, i thought this was gonna be a vihart thing.

i've never seen any of the godfathers - just really don't care for that genre of movies. oh, and i've never played any of the ff either.

do turtles have bathrooms in their shells? otherwise, wouldn't they have noticed a lot of poop in the attic?