
No one should run (note: i'm referring only to jogging, short sprints are beneficial) - it's stupid. There are ZERO health benefits to jogging on solid pavement on a regular basis - the human body wasn't built nor did it evolve for that type of activity. I've never seen a jogger - whose sole form of exercise is

oh man, that's sweet! need details on her reaction please.

they should make this - i could put it in my front pocket and no one would notice a change.

while they were there, they shouldve thrown a gold ring in.

In Soviet Russia, diamonds are twice as hard.

its about time, NASA. but it works the same as the gravity drive in event horizon - and we all know how that turned out.

yeah my first thought was synthol.

ok, his joke went awry. but why didn't he just say screw it and write a check or use a cc instead of wasting more time unfolding?

wait, what's the joke? apple fans really don't have sex with their iphones?! coulda fooled me, the way they act about 'em...

what's it like going through life with no sense of humor?

God's hand at work - putting Jupiter in the way like that.

who cares about nutritional content - what do they taste like?

If we ever get to that point, would it be considered cheating to use this tech to "memorize" for school exams?

gay marriage is pretty gay.

meh, i don't think they should be doing this. it's somewhat like trying to recreate a picasso - it's just not the same. better to spend the research dollars on something more useful.

Um, is that little pieces of human in the last frame or shrapnel?

how does white tea (which is freaking EXPENSIVE) compare?

all i can see right now is your avatar.

wouldn't you just get "Dog" from HL2?

I love petra verkaik's version the best. it's old but awesome.