Is there a chance that undiscovered ones could spontaneously explode? I guess they haven't in the past 70 years or so, but still is there chance?
Is there a chance that undiscovered ones could spontaneously explode? I guess they haven't in the past 70 years or so, but still is there chance?
actually, i would think the answer to the baldness one is "none." if it's a drug that PREVENTS baldness then it only has use for people who are going to go bald, not those who are already bald. so unless you're 100% certain you're going to go bald, what's the point?
how is track&field less international? while i would say it's certainly much less popular that doesn't make it less international. strictly in terms of the general public (which includes people who don't watch any sports at all) recognizing a sports figure walking randomly down the street i would guess usain bolt…
seriously? i didn't even realize there was such a thing as unripe dates. i just buy them in the package and eat 'em. what more is there to it?
Thank you for a matte screen.
what a rich history professional athletes have - they've been a$$holes for over a hundred years.
How about an action figure of Aleksandr Karelin?
Did you mean "Myst?" that's a made-up title for the game and does not have have anything to do with rain. or is there a game called "Mist" with which i am not familiar?
these were personal thoughts not meant for public consumption and not one mention of sex? or did he know that sex ends after marriage anyway?
lets see: heavy rain, rain, ..what's next? drizzle?
um, i would say letting a 4 year old play infamous is pretty much letting them do what they want. there's a reason they put ratings on games and movies. else, what's the difference between letting a toddler play a violent video game and letting same child watch a porno? there's no moderation taking place in either…
This is pretty much the only plausible reason anyone's given so far. But really, even this is ridiculous. It's extremely unlikely that ANY candidate with an ounce of common sense would not increase or at least maintain funding for such ventures if life were to be found. IE, such a discovery is FAR greater than a…
why would alien contact change the course of the election - as if he, or any other politician, should get ANY credit for such a discovery?! or at the least, no more than anyone else who pays their taxes and thereby funds these missions.
why should it be irksome? probably 99.9.% of the world's population has run 100m sometime in their life, whereas 99.9% of the world's population has not run 26miles. it's simply a matter of being able to relate to the shorter distance.
oh, please! sleep IS unconsciousness - do i really need to define what it means to be conscious?? if you're really going to claim that you're conscious while asleep, then you aren't asleep! and you're also jumping to the conclusion that the sole purpose of sleep is to dream, which is not true. anyway, you still…
still not really because you probably don't remember 90% of the dreams you have so you're still missing out on almost 1/3 of your life.
i still find it odd - teleologically speaking - that we were created to need sleep at all. we lose 1/3 of our lives to being unconscious and missing out on the beauty of the world.
wtf is wrong with you guys? you never know when one these spiders has been exposed to radiation. you're missing out on a slight chance of becoming spider-man by not letting it inhabit one of your orifices.
actually, the prosthetics give him a disadvantage. they don't provide any bio-feedback like a real limb would; they don't have muscles that respond to changes in the running surface; and they appear to have far less "spring" than an actual lower leg and probably transmit more jarring forces to his other joints. this…
cuz nike only made the spikes, not the cheetah blades.