

A few of the Freys got lost in the Manderlys' march to Winterfell for the Ramsay / "Arya" wedding. The speculation - unconfirmed but pretty clear - is that Lord Manderly killed them and served them up as meat pies at the wedding. Ties in to the Rat King story, and it makes the dialogue at that feast amazing.

Hmmm now I want to rewatch this movie. Is that crazy?

Anyone else notice "Lerpiss Movers"? That's the last name of Jason Schwartzman's character (owner of the Pawnee Videodome). I feel like I saw that last name in another recent episode, but not sure where.

it really is

she had a small part in Parks & Rec too

this is probably true but somehow does not make me feel better

Remember last time Sookie went to fairy-land and a few hours there translated to like a year in Bon Temps?

Oh wow I bet you are right.

Oh wow I bet you are right.

Sorry, I stopped reading at the part about Alison Brie's "strong back half."

that and the slow-motion pie made me laugh quite loudly

Stamford. With an "m."

**Minor Spoilers from future books**

Ugh so true. Loras is terribleā€¦and looks way too much like Lancel.

I am pretty sure I am the only one who likes Michelle Fairley and doesn't miss the Reeds.

I read somewhere that they actually have been splitting up accents, but not as drastically as London/South Africa. I was told that it roughly corresponds to different regions in England - but I can't really tell a difference. Anyone know?

Retta did a lot with limited screen time.

I thought I saw him too!

is this a Robert Paulson thing?