
I think the face thing wasn't about merging Frank and Claire's faces but merging Frank's face and *each individual voter's face*; what we saw was just him looking at a demo with photos of him and Claire. In my mind, this ties into the guy they have hacking into social media feeds — so the campaign can show everyone

I just read the book a couple weeks ago and I am so glad they kept the Commander's ridiculous-but-clearly-carefully-arranged pose when Offred arrives at his office

which is the real tragedy

…of the TV show.

It's in the books and the show, isn't it?

We don't know what its implications are yet — it may have nothing to do with succession laws by the end of the series. I'm willing to hold off on judging its usefulness.

You are right - she meant that Robert couldn't find out. Because as we saw in Season 1, he wants to murder all Targaryen babies

So true. I absolutely love the tense atmosphere of the chapters in Bolton-occupied Winterfell, and we got none of that on the show

This: "Considering Ghost didn't show up at all, I would have loved it if Ramsay's dogs at first refused to chow down on him, but then Ghost showed up and basically alpha dogged them all into a feeding frenzy."

Director says he's dead (FWIW, of course. I do realize everyone basically lied for a year about Jon, but I see no reason to doubt this death):

It's possible! Maybe that's the source of the rumor she sent Qyburn to investigate

Good catch, I'd forgotten about that scene. But his dialogue with Brienne still makes me think he never told anyone about the wildfire.

I don't think he was always talking about the King's last words, and I don't think he told Robert. The wildfire is all still there, and King's Landing is probably going to go boom before the series is over

"If this is true, how is it no one knows?"

Edmure is a prisoner, don't think he'll get to dispatch troops and Jaime is under no obligation to let the captured Tully forces go at this point. They surrendered the castle with no terms attached.

I don't think he told anybody until Brienne

She is prone to vows to "burn cities to the ground" to get what she wants…

yes there is, because (at least in the books) Beric dies for good when he resurrects her

Well I don't think of him as "redeemed" in the books. The scene of him threatening Edmure's infant (with a trebuchet!) still happens. Even as he rejects Cersei he's still desperately trying to be Tywin (that's the conversation with Genna), which is a messed up aspiration.

Yeah, they mentioned it in the "Inside the Episode" but I had already thought it myself and seen it all over Twitter.