Meth Lab Shenanigans II

Eh, he tried. Good for him.

Good god, lady, have some dignity. This is just sad.

This is a great album.

Travis have some good songs.


It's fucking insane just how talented that man was. Borderline inhuman.

I quote it at every opportunity.


That is fucking wonderful.

If you're still up in four hours, call a doctor.

We on a Fulvimar beam
We on a Fulvimar beam
This is Gap Dream
This is everything

"Why would anyone cast Idris Elba in a movie and then cover him up in layers of prosthetics and make-up?"

Still, though… puppy!


This is pretty cool. I may participate!

Now here's somebody who's fun at parties!

Okay. Okay, I would drink this. I would regret it and then throw up. But I would drink it.

Disqus killed him!

Yeah, the worst band in the world would have to be such an enormous trainwreck that you can't look away. Like Blood on the Dancefloor.

I developed a strong resentment toward the notion of traditional masculinity at a pretty young age and deliberately tried to be more feminine. But I still have this sort of weird macho resentment where, on some level, I'm always a little paranoid that I'm being demeaned or not being taken seriously or viewed as weak,