Daddy's Princess

In the beginning there was no utopian vision. The show was pitched to the network as a Western that happened to take place in space. Roddenberry’s previous work was with Westerns. Deforest Kelly was a well known Western actor. All of the utopia stuff was something he came up with later.

Another liberal that has everything backwards. I don’t even have the energy to point out how wrong you are in everything you have said. Let it suffice that I remind you that the KKK was founded by Democrats. The left are the real racists, hiding their true selves all the while yelling that everyone else is a racist.

You have things backwards there.  The seething hatred is actually coming from the left.  Look at all of the "resistance", obstruction, foul mouthed attacks on conservatives, absolutely unhinged liberals, and pervasive Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Look at the character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh, and how the left

You are so right!  Just yesterday I was walking down the street, minding my own business, when a gun and a credit card started chasing me.  The gun wanted to jump in my hand to shoot someone, and the credit card was trying to herd me into a store where it could make me buy something I couldn't afford!  I was terrified!

I personally totalled 5 Volvo wagons in a span of about 2 years. I am 95% sure they were insured by USAA. Sorry about that!

Actually, it is a public company.

No, it is there to remind you snowflakes that he is the 45th President!

“who stole the cookies from the cookie jar”- wasn’t that a ghost story or something back in the early ‘80's?

I hate spending money at Walmart, but I don’t have the luxury of carefree spending. Like it or not, Walmart has lower prices in general. My budget has no room emotion.

The post office’s statement is complete B.S. I live in Jacksonville, FL and have this happens to me all the time! Like, really-All The Time. Especially when there is a holiday or something. I will get notices that a package has been delivered, I can go online to check and see that they are marked delivered, but there

Are you talking about Sasha or Malia?