
It's one of those streets that abruptly changes its name halfway through.

Ah, but in dozenal, every hour has 50 minutes, and there are 10 hours in a half day, accidentally pressing the 20 hour clock button will turn 3:00pm into 13:00, and ... ok, I can't actually think of any more advantages. It's a watch, what do you expect?

Nope. PC means Windows PC.

The offer stands.

That's actually around $30.

Why am I not surprised this tripe came from the EFF? Are tinfoil hats provided or do you need to supply your own?

Agreed. I worked at a mobile advertising company for 3 years and 50k/day is definitely not out of the realm of possibilities, especially for a chart-topping application.

That's what everyone says after they make a fat stack of cash.

I was speculating that the more less-computer-savvy people you have playing a game, the more likely you are to get clicks on those ads. And it was at the top of the charts, so a lot of "less-computer-savvy" people were playing. Plus it's a game all about repeatedly tapping a tiny mobile screen, so accidental clicks

He's not saying, but I bet you he got a phone call from Nintendo's legal team telling him what they'll do to him in court for stealing their images unless he takes the game down immediately.

We can, and probably should.

The Impossible Game indeed wasn't the first auto-runner with shapes, not even close.

Could you imagine the current state of the game industry if id stopped everyone from making an FPS?

You mean pipe shaped?

While the legal terms here may be wrong the idea is the same. This is Impossible Game (and perhaps Impossible Game wasn't the first of its kind either) but it's exactly the same thing with a different shape and a different level. I realize that copyright can't be too strict otherwise people could have called Eragon a

And there's nothing wrong with being Mario inspired. If no one took inspiration, we'd never progress.

Nintendo doesn't own green pipes. Hell, they've had pretty much every pipe color in Mario.

That being said, Flappy Bird is still crap.

It's pretty obvious that those pipes are copied. If they weren't copied, why are they the same shape and color?

To be honest, I saw this and my first thought was "Nintendo." Not knowing anything but a half second glance and that was my thought. There's a very fine line to homage and blatantly ripping off, and I think this guy is definitely in ripping off territory. He best hide that money pretty well or spend it fast, I

I was flip flopping between English being her second language and that she's deaf. I still haven't decided.

Next week's was supposed to be the 4th.

The episodes were shown out of order, from what I remember, this was supposed to be the second episode. So yeah, the world building might seem out of whack.