
Clearly, then, the solution to our crime problem is to simply point all our nuclear weapons at ourselves with the threat that they will go off if crime rates get too high.

The Google Translate voice thing understands me pretty well but the Google Search isn't cooperating as nicely. Searching Xbox One gave me:

Wasn't this XBox reveal supposed to herald amazing things? Instead, it seems like Microsoft pulled back the curtain, and we found that there was no wizard at all.

Its a kneejerk reaction from gamers (the people that buy this console) thatll influence the stockbrockers

Used games confirmed to work for Xbox One. Whether Microsoft will have a hand in some of the profits through activation, transfer, etc. is yet to be seen.

that and no backwards compatibility

Given that the used games thing wasn't mentioned during the conference I doubt it had any impact on the stock.

this was a one hour CONSOLE announcement. not a 4 hour sony tease. 15 exclusives total, 8 being brand new properties, from microsoft studios ALONE year one. no games my ass. and forza realeased on day one. you have less than a month till E3, that's your game conference, this was a reveal of the console and it's new

Microsoft said before hand that there wouldn't be games. They're saving that for E3 which is less than a month away so they actually have anything to new to show at the conference. You're right it made the event boring, but it's not any kind of surprise.

What "used games" announcement? The Kotaku Article and the wording that people misinterpreted as "You can't play used games without a fee?". The fee is to play used games independently of the disk, not to play the games.

I'm sure the stockholders who are invested in gamestop give a shit.

And if all the jaggies aren't enough, just look at the big white line down the middle of the screen! What horrible lack of care does it take to create such a horrible glitch?!

Hell yeah! He punches Udina no matter if I'm running Paragon or Renegade. One of THE most satisfying scenes in any of the games

That's why you don't tell them until the plane's already in the air.

Every Canadian actor was in Red Green. It was a club. Like being a special guest villain on 'Batman'. I think the only Canadians who never appeared on Red Green were William Shatner and Christopher Plummer. (But I could be wrong about Shatner.)

He was in Red Green. He has no shame.

As to your first inquiry, the term I've seen most over my time here has been "kotakuites".


Back in 2003, as an 10-year-old child, both of my parents were in the military meaning that we were constantly moving if a situation arose. I always hated that but by this time I was numb to the pain of losing friends due to it. Well, in this particular year, I had a met a classmate who

Contrary, I think Kyle brings up a good point. Tinfoil hat theories aside, are there any real security concerns here?

I know that Calendar/Mail/Contacts is exempt if you use Google Apps for Business, maybe that is more up your alley.