
It depends on the quality of the product. If it brings something new to the table, the price doesn’t have to be too low.

Rumble was very popular for a few weeks and still gets good player numbers, compared to hockey and hoops. If Dropball can entertain the community a lot for the initial period and then get Rumble-like player numbers after everyone’s played a bit, then I think Psyonix can be proud.

Jedi Academy is pretty much third-person as light sabers are so central to the game.

I don’t think that Oxford dictionary description actually works for what we generally call true dystopias.

According to this dec 2016 map, there aren’t Trump properties in Saudi Arabia. All the rest of your point is still very valid and makes this such a strange list of countries.

800x600 I imagine?

Now that I see it, I think developers of games like this should try this out during development. Can you understand the basics of what’s going, recognize the enemy, the various class types, the weapon effects, etc. when you’re playing it on a resolution close to what the 8-bit/16-bit consoles packed? Judging by the

Astroneer seems to have sold like hot-cakes, seeing as it has only been out in Early Access for a few weeks.

True. Here popular vote percentage is around that of Bush Jr. 1st time and Bill Clinton both times. Unlike them, they were all in the wrong places.

His art is on another level. The color use, the inspiration, etc.


Aren’t most American cars automatics these days? It’s like being ashamed of not knowing the metric system as an American. It’s just not relevant for you guys.

Now I wanted to edit my original and add: used as cannon fodder to the end.

This video made me look up: by the end of WWI 350,000 African-Americans had served in the American Expeditionary Corps. Seeing as there 2 million living Americans in the Corps at that time it was quite a reasonable percentage.

Agree. The hard-core Trumpers wouldn’t mind using it and unlike women, black people are not a core group of the GOP

Worst is Ryan. Has basically only said super-negative things in the past months (due to the endless stream of controversy surrounding Trump). He’s sickened, won’t campaign but won’t truly un-endorse. Trump supporters in general, aren’t that smart, but they’ll poke through that double face immediately.

I’m not American, but it seems to me that Guiliani basically uses 9/11 as weapon. Am I off here? I have never seen anything with him that did not mention it.

Do you know why it was called three wave? CTF has a logical explanation, but three wave sounds more like it’s about multiplayer with three teams or something.

Hans Zimmer’s tracks are definitely a lot less hummable than the soundtracks of the 70s and 80s, but they can stick in your head just as well. Think Interstellar, Dark Knight and Inception. Are those other composers, hire for big prestigious productions I might add, then just so bad at copying his instrumental

Isn’t it mostly to enable 4K and VR gaming. Subsets of the audience, but markets they can only engage with, with new hardware. If they don’t act now, they can lose them forever if these pay off.