Great stuff, although the running scene could’ve been done better. Running through the house, checking out the babes, etc.
Great stuff, although the running scene could’ve been done better. Running through the house, checking out the babes, etc.
Artists generally don’t do anything with content claims. That’s all the doing of the companies that represent them or in the worst case companies that are just there for ad money and who get by because people think they’re official.
Just let it idle. Just go to the main screen, alt+tab and do something else.
The design is actually much closer the scrapped Soviet plans to land on the Moon.
It’d only be without a license, if Bethesda did nothing. If they did support it, it’d be legally sorted out through a license. Also a 100% cut, what is the point then for modders to do it instead of free?
The Sega Mark III reminds me of Cereberus’ design style (of Mass Effect fame).
The issue with the lack of fun non-stealth gameplay also applies to the original DX. You felt in control as a stealthy operative from mission one, while all the other approaches (sniper or Rambo) suffered under the terrible accuracy that you had before massive upgrades.
I liked the third-person stealth for that reason too. Although I have to admit that the enemies could’ve been a bit more observant to counter this increase in knowledge about the world around you. They were about as dumb as the guards in FPS-only DX1.
It could mean anything from something that looks like close to that in-game, to something that is pre-rendered but using the engine pipeline and assets.
Haven’t played V yet, but I’ve experienced similar things in GTA IV. I always found some new detail that I had already driven past before. Half-Life 2 has that too. One of my most played games of all time and recently I still found a previously unseen nook of the Airboat map with some items. I love it when games can…
Gordon’s biological age is 5-10 years older than Alyx. That’s what matters for physical attraction. Mental attraction is something else, but since everyone immediately accepts that Gordon still looks that young, I have a feeling that people, including Alyx, aren’t thinking too much about his actual age. Especially…
She’s in her twenties and since Gordon doesn’t age between HL1 and 2, he’s his late twenties. At the most he’s 36 according to the timeline.
At 50 minutes I don't think you can call it a trailer.
If you're interested in forwarding the technology, then you'll build your own engine anyway. Harris seems to argue that even those that just want to make a game should be building their own engine.
QUOTE | "Suddenly we're not gods any more...There are gods, and now we just license their engines." - Positech's Cliff Harris, talking about why he hates Unity and other middleware, preferring that indies write their own engines.
If they had a comeback, they weren't consistently good.
I kind of want to ask: what decades-old developer has remained consistently good since their inception? I think it's generally just a cycle and the originality of studios is always lost after several years, even without publishers acquisitions. There might be a few exceptions, but most studios will get to big and lose…
Yeah she always struck me more as mixed race. I'm looking at pics of her on Google and I'm seeing facial features of all sorts of races.
I saw the refracting light shader and thought 'you just passed a spy'. Tree seconds later he gets stabbed, by the spy. TF2 has changed a lot since I last played it, but some things never change.