

Yeah I heard that idea pop up around the first timetravel episode. It would've been a nice piece of continuity.

I never have the patience for writing anything longer than this. But thanks for the praise.

While I get that they wanted closure with this episode to round it off in case of cancellation or to be able to start fresh in case of renewal, I wished that they hadn't closed off the chapter started by these two episodes so quickly. As a villain Katrina was finally interesting, Crane barely had any time to think

Yeah she always struck me more as mixed race. I'm looking at pics of her on Google and I'm seeing facial features of all sorts of races.

I think it's playing DuckTales on our old 386 PC, a memory which is also closely associated with having to type in the DOS commands to get to the directory that had the game and run it.

I saw the refracting light shader and thought 'you just passed a spy'. Tree seconds later he gets stabbed, by the spy. TF2 has changed a lot since I last played it, but some things never change.

I find it interesting that the Wastelander had a modern weapon. Wasn't it stated earlier that Grounders feel that such weapons are cursed or something?

I've been watching TNG recently and there aren't that much ludicrous holodeck episodes. Those are mostly in Voyager. That ship had its holodeck wires crossed so many times they just should've just shut it down and try to get back into television.

Cities X(X)L at least has interesting terrain. Most SC2013 plots are flat and if they're not flat they're bereft of everything but grass. Ideally I'd want a mix between SC4s terrain 'painting' tools and SC2000s terrain generation tools. First generate a terrain (I don't always have a complete landscape in mind, so a

If it turns out to be good, let's hope that word of mouth makes up for that.

I think they're sort of going on a Terminator 2 route with the Raptors there. We've seen them a thousand times and their scariness has worn off. So they become tools to combat/stall the new 'evolved' big bad.

Cool. Can't wait to get my hand on the PC version so I can try this myself.

I haven't played the game, but is it possible out of the box to control birds? Or is this some mod for the console version? I'd expect it for PC, but not for console.

In Five Armies nothing, but they could've put it at the end of Desolation.

Some games offer non-Steam version on Humble, but yeah if he's going to recommend any AAA games through that Humble storefront, he's basically telling people to go to Steam for a game. So it is indeed a bit hypocritical. Only thing I can imagine what moving curating from Steam to this site accomplishes is that his

She kind of looks like Ripley/Weaver like that.

It should not be forgotten that Western Lend-lease helped make that outspending strategy possible. Hundreds of thousands of jeeps and trucks, more than ten thousands armored vehicles including thousands of tanks, thousands of aircraft and countless tons of food.

Ironically I found Loki the most painted of them all.