
There are uncertainties in that Papal list, but indeed not enough to account for 300 years.

Yes, extra info is so easy in the internet age. A while ago I was reading an article about some place in Manhattan. I wanted to know more, so within 5 minutes after clicking on the article I had read, looked it up on Google Maps and seen the place in question through Street View. That was ludicrous when I was a young

ISIS is equipped much better than the surrounding armed forces, which is why the moderate Syrian rebels and the Kurds are getting weapons shipments. ISIS uses captured American weapons, vehicles and combat gear left behind by American soldiers, mercenaries and the Iraqi army. They do manage to do a lot due to their

The market leader is always slower with the innovations, that's why. Origin and GOG have to try and stand out, because they have a far smaller offering of games than Steam. That's why they have things Steam doesn't. Ideally that wouldn't be the case and they'd all work equally well, but that's just how these things

Star Trek: Voyager. Instead of the TNG-lite that it became, it should've become the proto-BSG that its setting allowed it to potentially be. More serialized plots à la DS9, more internal discord and a Voyager that actually faces some hardships that linger longer than one or two episodes.

I wanted to see her reaction to Lori's death. That was probably the most nope episode of all. The death of T-Dog was out of left field and made me skip a beat, but the Lori scene was just creepy.

That does indeed make sense. You can keep the aim on the target by just stretching your arm out towards the cloud, or something similar.

The issue was not that the rocket set the gas alight by just being in the general vicinity (it was a big gas cloud). It's just that the rocket even got near enough it in the first place. They're not meant to be fired accurately, so that it happens feels a bit over the top. It's no biggy, but it's just a bit out of the

Indeed. Only weird thing she does is aim the bottle rocket so perfectly, but that was more done to keep up the pacing. It'd make more sense for her to miss at least one, but that'd just take 30 seconds that would need to be taken out somewhere else.

QUOTE | "We've got a 10-year head start or even a 20-year head start. We're not like young pups out of the garage." - Telltale CEO Dan Connors, explaining why Telltale's emotional storytelling games have been successful.

Take more note of successful Early Access simulator/strategy games such Kerbal Space Program, Rimworld, Prison Architect and such. It has a type of community that is so dedicated and so dedicated that it puts many other games to shame and it as a result it has some newsworthy stories. I'm mostly into Kerbal Space

Sometimes it hits, when I was born 25 years ago an article and its fallout would've been unimaginable. I see the title about new research being done in a country across an ocean, I click on it and within 30 seconds it's loaded and I've skimmed it. I've typed in the address in Google Maps and went to the StreetView

And it's first trip down New Orlean's Bourbon Street will drive it insane. Both a lot of shouting people and a lot of people throwing beads.

Well DC is in there too and that's not a state. Both DC and PR are big an interesting enough to show off in infographics such as these. The terminology might be wrong but the results are more interesting as a result.

Maybe lore was the wrong word. GoT is awesome because of the richness of its back story. Every new location has or seems to have a deep history, each character a history. While that's possible with a good team of writers, it's easier when that back story has grown organically. GoT grew to what it was over a decade of

Not bad Mark. Although personally I'd add an addendum to the TV section: no NuTrek timeline show. Game of Thrones epicness works because it has such a rich lore to work with. NuTrek's only lore is that established by Enterprise and to an extent TOS. It was TNG, DS9 and VOY that created the epic game of galactic

How long would one be able to stay up there, if one is skilled at riding the thermals (am I using the right word)?

It does indeed work. Definitely a top 50 sci-fi movie. Few recent sci-fi movies can get into that ranking these days.

Here's a mockup of a game I'm working on: Ghost Operator. It's a stealth game that tries to distill stealth gameplay. Just like Super Meat Boy did for platformers and Hotline Miami did for top-down shooters. You have to complete your objectives without being spotted, leaving a trace, etc. You have to remain a ghost.

Yaaay! Defiance has always been a lot of fun and season only improved in that regard. It's never earth-shattering, but it has great characters and their interplay is awesome at times.