
So if you hate Star Trek and Into Darkness, Star Trek has never been rebooted? One rule to... rule them all.

The Matrix and Jurassic Park especially hold up so well visually. They knew exactly what and what to do with their various types of effects.

A dark future is one without much hope for improvement, even at the end of the story. Blade Runner's crime-riddled world doesn't seem to be solved at the end of the movie. A bright future is one with hope. While Deep Space Nine had darker storytelling than any other ST series, it was still a bright future. Perennial

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The TED teaser was even awesomer. Really set up an amazing atmosphere, although the movie didn't deliver at all.

This is that for me. Could watch it over and over again. I love how it completely switches its tone like 5 times throughout the movie.

Same engine, but a different developer and thus different workflow. Rockstar North only helped with development very late into the development process. If the code is a mess by then, then the technically trickier PC platform (thousands of hardware setups instead of just two, ie. those of the two consoles) would be

Red Dead Redemption is the exception, not the rule. R* San Diego didn't have any PC experience and in the last decade has only done console games. The game was never built with the idea to port it to PC, which makes it really, really hard. The previous Red Dead wasn't a big hit, so they didn't expect much of RDR


Porting to traditional mobile won't work, but learning from mobile could. Cheaper prices for the decades old games on the Virtual Consoles could get them a lot more money than they do now.

I tried to write something clever, but disproving the insane arguments in this list would just make my head boil so I'll just go a bit philosophical on you guys and girls.

So basically we're tripping over water in our solar system? Not bad, not bad at all.

Even worse. At least those two games shared the fantasy theme. This does not.

It's a bit of an exaggeration to say it's one of the few places not touched by Google Street View. Virtually all Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and much of Southeast Asia haven't been covered at all.

I want to reply to Cliff Hesby' comment about the theory that the Black Death killed so many people that it influenced the climate by forest returning to the depopulated lands, but Kinja is being a b*tch as always. A similar theory surrounds the century of Mongol conquests starting in the 1200s. Genghis Khan and the

It has a certain Japanese quality to it. Probably the white face mask.

Red Mars. About half-way and loving it. Can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy.

I just loved how the foliage would move when you walked through it.

Trees are too often still very ugly. Especially those placed in areas where you can't see them from multiple sides, like on the side of racing game tracks. GT5 or Next Car Game have all sorts of pretty stuff on and along the track, but the trees just snap me back out of it.

It's quite simple for me. Either I make two or three devs super happy with a full price purchase once a year or I make two dozen developers happy with my sale price purchase. Gamers don't always have infinite amounts of money. It has to be divided among a number of developers and I'd rather have that number be big

You're kind of right. TNG-style exploration and DS9-style arcs all followed each other in rapid succession.