
Would not have expected this. Not after hearing nothing about it in what I've seen on the livestream and the stuff you summarized of the event.

Referring to a model of Price in MW3:

Where's the green Microsoft? It's the only color in the Xbox range that Sony doesn't also use and makes me think Xbox.

If that's what the game's about: places and real cars then maybe they could've impressed me by showing more than two cars and more than one place. A pre-rendered trailer with a bit of slow-mo and unnecessary close-ups isn't going to make my heart pump faster, since it has nothing to do with how the game will play.

Who knows? Kinect 1 was pretty state-of-the-art at the moment of release, so much that it was used by many researchers and engineers to test their theories with or build new equipment based around its gesture/facial recognition. They can get away with something less state-of-the-art this time around though. This kind

Cinematic trailers like this one don't impress me any more. A trailer can be cinematic, but then it has to use that to hint at what you can do in the game. The GTA V trailers did that very well. This however is just flash, with no substance.

Wondering if the collective brains of the internet could piece this together.

3.5 I believe.

F12 in some games is the one that by default opens the console, saves a screenshot or something similar, so it gets some use. I use the F6 key more often, as it's often the quicksave key. Pause/Break gets quite a lot of use. Paradox's grand strategy games use it to pause the game (which I do all the time). The space

I wonder how the PS4 and the next Xbox will do. The market has changed radically with the rise of mobile and the resurgence of PC. It'd probably wouldn't be as bad a start as the Wii U, but they might not be as hot an item as the current gen hardware. Then again, it might just manage to improve on the previous

Didn't know about the U. Did know about the Wii. The Xbox and PS3 are sold at a loss bigger than one game though.

I have a feeling the communist takeover part isn't going to be part of the real 2074. The rest might be possible.

Well the Wii wasn't sold at loss. It wasn't a big margin either so the point still stands.

I loved Keith David as Captain Anderson in Mass Effect.

They should've had two animations.

I never was able to really get into CS. It's probably great when you're good, but with all those skilled players it has a steep learning curve making it less fun for little old noob me and hard to get to a skill level where you're actually having a lot of fun with it.

Wow, Graham Greene is in everything I watch today. This, Defiance and the 90s movie Maverick. Makes me feel he's just someone who likes to act and doesn't really care if he's in an Oscar movie or not.

Gergo Vas, I'd like to know what you and your fellow Kotakuans (Kotakuers?) find so great about these title screens. I'm interested in why you picked them instead of the thousands of other title screens out there. Maybe not something that's viable for this article, but maybe for the next article of this kind. A bit

He (she, you never know on the internet) did say home consoles.

Don't have an 360, so I was wondering where do you get MS Points for half off if they're simply a representation of actual money, just spendable in only place?