
One thing the BSG Reboot definitely nailed was the uniform design.

The 2370s uniforms (aka the First Contact uniforms) are my favorite in all of Star Trek. They manage to seem both sophisticated and powerful. I mean it makes a Klingon look just as badass as he would with Klingon armor. From a realistic point that's a good thing as even though Starfleet is a peaceful organization,

The Captain!

Good of Introversion to make a stand, but it's not the loss of Apple, but rather the customers who wanted to play PA mobile, but don't have Android. Apple doesn't feel a thing if a company like this decides not to publish their game. It's a nice gesture, but in the end a futile one.

I wonder what this would do to Earth politics? There's currently a huge race for resources. Everyone is jumping on the melting Arctic to get at the treasure trove that's been locked under the ice, China is hoarding rare-Earth minerals, the US and China are duking it over Africa hoping to claim its unexploited


I can imagine that such a question would make someone raise an eyebrow.

I actually meant in terms of popularity.

SMB3's aesthethics never grow old.

How big is Ant-Man in the comic world? I've never heard of him, but I don't read comics so I might be missing something.

Aside from the unread-ability of white on yellow on white, this is very interesting and cool to see.

That wasn't all bad at all. I especially liked the stuff after the 2 minute mark. Wouldn't have imagined that mixing David Bowie and epic trailer music would work, but it does.

Slight OT: Here in the Netherlands it's the college students who generally have the best internet, due to the student flats having T1 lines.

I honestly doubt Microsoft would be this stupid, since any sane person can tell you that this would mean instantly losing the console war. It might be profitable for games in the long run - both Diablo III and SimCity are making money - but for hardware there's even less of an receptive audience. Just look at the PSP

The costs of these things always go down.

I've always found that to be one of the most beautiful SF ships.

That's without a doubt one of the more awesome mods I've seen lately. Nice blend of old and 'new'.

SimCity 4

He claims, from a development standpoint it is relatively easy. Saving/loading offline would take about an hour, according this so-called Azzer. I think it generally works off-line because the developers tested it that way and much of the multiplayer is asynchronous anyway (ie. the game only knows the bare stats: how

Still I can't imagine someone didn't go for "largest-city-in-an-hour" and didn't meet this problem. Perhaps he/she's lost in the depths or Reddit.