
Really shows off the leap in graphics and scale.


Vast majority of people until the 1800s were farmers. Then came machines and improvement agricultural practices. People then transitioned to manufacturing, which lasted until the 20th century. As industry jobs dried up, the majority of people started moving people to the service sector. It'll just be another shift

Aka the Star Trek: Federation pitch: http://trekmovie.com/2011/04/16/exclusive-details-excerpts-from-star-trek-federation-series-proposal/

Now this is the kinda GTA IV mod I want to learn more about. So awesome! That someone thought of doing this.

Greedo's actpr really sounds weird with that accent. Always has weirder accent, often foreign. Talking so normal seems weird.

Looks more like that they just bought the recognizable name than the story. A shame because the high-budget approach does manage to portray the grand chaos. Too bad they thought they had to take it into the standard epic direction, aka one man against the world. World War Z works because of the alternating

Don't really know where you got that RDR size from. An avid Red Dead forumite actually did a thorough calculation of RDR (and GTA IV). His calculations are also consistent with the Hit the Trail achievement which has the player cross the game map in an ingame day. Taking realistic horse speeds into account this

Wondering how the character switching will work exactly.

A RDR forum'er actually did quite an extensive measurement of the RDR map and came out at these values: 14.84 mi² total but only about 5.7 mi² of traversable playing area. The 28 mi² is just a baseless rumor that got spread around. The same forum'er did calculations on GTA IV. That came out to 6.25 mi² of total map

New Character #1 on the left, New Character #2 in the middle and New Character #3 on the right. In general kind of sick about everyone immediately saying it's CJ every time they see a black guy, or Vercetti if they a white guy.

GTA 3 era characters don't exist in GTA IV era and vice versa as has been stated by devs. Going back on that statement now would muddle up eras. Doubt it to the point of assuredly saying it's impossible.

A few reasons why I love PC gaming:


The last fifteen minutes consisted of me shouting at the screen "You can't do this, you can't show that...You are breaking the rules of television!" My heart's still racing. For a moment I thought they were going to have the baby be stillborn. That would've been even more of a mindf*ck than two main characters dying


You have to do a lot more work to get a crappy animation working than it is to record a crappy machinima video. The latter only involves something like Fraps and a game to record. The animation requires the creation of art assets and at least some Flash skills. Sure a great machinima video takes a lot of coordination

About more people going through the trouble of animating something like this instead of machinima: it's also about the skills necessary to do animation like that, versus the skills needed for machinima. The latter is much more point and shoot (although great things can be done). The former is considerably harder and

I wonder why I recognized the art style. Now that I know it's David Hellman (Braid) it all clicks into place.

Me too.