
The modular approach to special buildings that the concept art seems togive seems very interesting. I think I also saw a few lots being placed diagonally in the trailer. Very excited about this.

This is just idle gossip. Don't see why Kotaku is buying into this. Gabe would freak out if an employee would show what was potentially a gamechanger (he's a cool guy, but he still runs a business). No-one knew of the Wii U for years, even though Nintendo had been sending out dev kits for 2 years. Valve's not going to

This is amazing. I know little of GoT but I know Minecrafft and this is very impressive.

2:06-2:08 is the meaning of life.

I wonder how vertical the gameplay can be in this setting. The biggest city in those times was Boston, which had relatively low buildings and wide streets. The setting allows stealthy gameplay, but rooftop shenanigans are pretty important too.

I think they can only break down the doors on hard difficulty. So if you use normal or lower, there shouldn't be a problem.

Didn't even know this existed.

Mammoths are retro and thus cooler...

I've had this idea as well. Most cities are planned that way as well. They alot a certain space to a building or type of building and its built. Would definately make the game much more dynamic. You could easily expand an airport or a park.

Liked the babies born on Feb. 30 part.

These screens look real nice. If this is indeed Doom 4, then I'm glad they're returning to Earth (Doom 2). Dark corridors help create a scary atmosphere but it also makes pretty boring and repetitive level design at times. Making the world more open allows for much more gameplay variation. Also a demonic invasion of

Yes, they went back to pushy which baffles me.

What I don't get is that Nintendo still hasn't gotten the hint that we don't like pushy fairy companions. I know no-one who likes them. Is this perhaps a Western thing and are they appriciated back in Japan or something?

Short but nice. Minecraft can be addictive like that.

Wow, that Sega Mark III looks so sexy. Like some console Transformer.

Yes, that comparison would make more sense (although I wouldn't know how to get those numbers). Still I'd say the old three are still the Big Three, even if it is due to decades of branding. Hell, even my grandma knows what a Gameboy is.

I was basing it on revenue (Sony has triple the revenue Nintendo has) as that's the easiest way of comparing companies that do more than sell hardware.

Apple is big, but not that big. The other two are still relatively small fish compared to Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo (although the latter isn't doing too good). It helps selling hardware ;)

I love reading up on game/level design, especially older games. You assume that because the games look so simple that the thought proces behind is equally simple. Through articles like these, you realize that the people who made games like these knew what they were doing.

They've been developing since 2008, a time when Xbox Live Arcade was still the place to be for indie developers. That's probably the reason why XBLA is the only platform right now. My guess is they'll port it to Steam in time for the next Steam Winter Sale (if they have any common sense).