
I love the 3D on the 3DS. I barely ever played my DSi but I'm playing the shit out of my 3DS. I find it much easier to become immersed in the games with the 3D on.

What a ripoff ... The QR Code is too small for my 3DS to detect a Mii in.

Yeah but who'd want to replace the filters...

I know I'd be arrested but if I was the cabbie I'd have gotten in my car and run the douche over.

NES + 6 years = SNES

Yeah that thing is a 34 wheel truck :)

Agreed. There were tears of joy when I saw Ocarina of Time in 3D.

It's a pretty sad day when the teams running the races are more ethical and have more backbone than the board that's supposedly governing them. Makes you wonder just how easy it is to pay them off.

Maybe instead of electronics, Steve should have gotten into.. say.. organ cloning.

The last time someone pulled their phone out during the movie I started throwing popcorn at them...

I'm not sure that NGP and Cafe are going to be that amazing. Nintendo has always only released hardware that they can make a profit on and you can't really jump ahead of the system by doing that. As for NGP, it's a handheld and has no real bearing on the large console market. It may have some neat ideas but it's

My PC was being stupid and I wasn't sure if my comment was accepted. When I went to take a look the comment didn't show up in the list so I commented again. Oh well.

He's missing some sharps and or flats in there. It sounds... off.

He's missing a sharp or something .. it sounds wrong.

I've heard Perth gets the most lightning strikes per year. If I could choose to live somewhere for a bit I would like to live there during their stormy season.

21 AD?

This guy's lucky he got the seizure while playing a game and not while flying. What a dumbass.

What sort of platforms do you play on? If PC is one of them, I would recommend you get Portal 2. It's not terribly long and you aren't required to play for long stretches of time. It's thoroughly enjoyable as well.

Why would Nintendo hold back on the number of copies of Zelda:OOT? It seems like that's the one game everyone's waiting for. I constantly see people saying they're waiting for OOT before they by a 3DS.

Not at all... this guy doesn't appear to have a harelip.