
I agree with you on being able to explore and admire the worlds created for us to play in. One of my biggest peeves was Gears of War. They seemed to have a lot of really nice level art but so much of the time is spent just shooting and sawing people to bits that I never got a chance to sit back and enjoy the art.

Yeah I live in a suburb and drive to work in the city... I only have 3 people on my 3DS after one month. Maybe I should start taking the bus. :P

The way I look at it, it's like the whole bald barber thing. I don't trust a developer to be able to make a good game if they spend all of their time exercising and not playing games. I don't trust a game dev who isn't at least a little overweight.

Why does Geoff Keighley even open his mouth? All he does is troll for news. He's obviously just trying to get Valve to say something but he does it in such a slimy way. Why is he so slimy? Every time I see the guy something screams "Used Car Salesman".

I don't care... just gimme da game alreadies!

@orangecrusader25: I'm pretty much in agreement with your statement, except for the part about Valve flipping the bird. They're not hating on MS they're just letting MS sit in their own shit.

You haven't played many Elder Scrolls games have you?

I think what karnie is referring to is the delay for the release of Oblivion, which had an estimated release date of November 22, 2005, but was pushed back to March 21, 2006 due to developmental delays.

I would also like a multiplayer RPG that is not massivley multiplayer. MMO's suck for the most part. I'd rather just have a game that I can play with one or two friends that doesn't involve all of the threadbare MMO elements such as raiding and the like.

I didn't realize that so many people hated spiders. I guess after playing World of Warcraft and other MMO's for so long, spiders just seemed to be common place.

I like how the Kajiit and the Orc don't look... stupid. I'm really looking forward to this game.

Wow... looks like incompetent people don't just buy Toyotas.

I see the house. I think of the Grudge...

.... and I thought skynet wasn't supposed to become self aware until next week.

For some reason when I look at the at picture it seems as though the Gamecube logo is lurking behind it just ready to do the jump and appear.

Sony's problem is that they're a bullet point company. It seems to be their standard mode of operation to get a list of things that are required for the current gadget and stick as much of it into their device. They don't seem to be able to combine things into a device that makes things fun, they just look at the

Yeah and the reason that Nintendo didn't go with the disc base format was because Sony made it too expensive. Another sign of things to come.

I'm surprised that Sony's capable of snubbing the one company that they've done nothing but copy since they entered the industry. Console? COPIED!!!! Portable system? COPIED!!!! Motion game controls? COPIED!!!

They make the pyro look like Akbar.

I'm loving the 3DS. It's the first hand held I've purchased that has kept me playing non-stop. I can't wait for more games and I think I'm about to be the first person to wear out a cartridge from over use with the games I currently have (when the 3DS isn't recharging). I dunno. I can't understand why there is so