
Couldn’t Porsche just install a larger turbo to increase the range?

I mean, couldn’t *one* of you have given him a reasonable answer?  The only non-troll answer is the Acadia, and he literally said he had no use for an SUV.  I get that there’s a comedy element, but I thought there were supposed to be a few helpful suggestions?

I was next to it in traffic, SF to Marin one afternoon. Slow going so I yelled, “I thought they only made one” and he replied, “This is the 2nd” with his two fingers up. Yep, normal everyday traffic. 

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

These kinds of sick bastards need off the streets and jailed for life. Done. No trial. No parole. Game over.

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

Those window intakes are rad af

To be fair, a sizeable rock in the road can back up traffic anywhere.

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

As promised in the Facebook post, Toyota of Rockwall later announced that Rebecca Rawl has indeed sold the car, to a gentleman named Daniel Rawlz.

Maybe he should’ve drawn a red line in the sand. That always works.

As someone who is generally anti-launching missiles at sovereign nations and also anti-gassing innocent civilians, what is the correct moral stance here? I’m kind of thinking providing a disincentive to using chemical weapons is... good?

Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.

did the EPA break the news about dieselgate?

This is SO much better written than anything else that has come out of FA since Tyler left. Thank you.

If you disgorge an antelope, does that mean it’s a cantaloupe?

I bet they want us to think he intentionally honked the horn and not that it was the first thing to go wrong.

Let us remember this latest Bowling Green massacre.

I think we’re really going to miss Tyler...