
You could just not buy the game, rather than reverse-censor and try to force content that the developer itself voluntarily took out. I’m sorry Nintendo decided to prioritize a larger audience over you, but grow the fuck up.

By that logic, when your food is cold because the waiter left it sitting out on the counter for half an hour, the dishwasher should be fired.

Except for the part where she had nothing to do with the censorship.

If she actually had anything to do with translation and said censoring, I’d probably agree with you, but as far as anyone who’s actually bothered to look can tell, she’s not. She’s the accessible face of the department, their PR person. She was chosen for attack because she’s the most opportune target. For at least

I agree. Giving into the demands of internet trolls is just showing how weak these companies really are. It’s just giving the trolls more initiative and power to attack another victim.

I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.

Before everyone looses their shit, its one change, to one character, made well before release of the game, that actually has a logical reason to it. So before the purity police get here and argue that any change is bad to the original work (which in this case doesn’t exist yet) or that this is Blizzard “caving to

Damn. Beautifully said and eloquently written. May I please share this elsewhere? On my FB page, for example?

I love you, Learn2Fly. I was going to say this as an autistic woman and the mother of two diagnosed autistic children and a third not-quite-autistic-enough child, but you said it so much better than I would have.

We are not broken. We do not need to be told that we are doomed, that we are broken, that our world is

as someone who’s been autistic all her life (including in the womb, before i received any vaccines): fuck you very much and your autistic child deserves a more accepting parent than you.


I work with a local autism society non-profit so I do see the occasional anti-vaxxer. It’s frustrating to see families with an autistic child who received vaccines so they don’t vaccinate their younger siblings because they’re afraid. I mean, I can see their reasoning (albeit stupid) but I am highly against

Great post. If I can add a corroboration, I was born before the MMR was available, and my mom caught rubella while she was pregnant with me. I am what happens when you avoid the MMR vaccine.

Nice post. A quicker version of the argument might be that highly intelligent parents are more likely to have an autistic child*, and most geniuses throughout history exhibit traits associated with the spectrum so GEE MAYBE IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THAT.

the First Amendment does not apply here. This is a private film festival. The first amendment is designed to prevent the government from punishing or preventing speech and expression. An organizer deciding to pull a film from a festival has zero first amendment implications.

“Convey? What does that word mean?” -Snyder and WB execs.

The 90s were the “dark age” where everyone took Watchmen and the Dark Knight Returns the wrong way and made everything about horrible grimdark antiheroes. No Fun Allowed. And Rob Liefield was super successful to the point where better artists were emulating his awful style.

Whose face isn’t blurred?

Too many Warhammer games?

The entirety of my play through of Fire Emblem: