My ex was 3” shorter than me. I could wear heels and it didn’t matter. It actually worked, neither of us cared.
My ex was 3” shorter than me. I could wear heels and it didn’t matter. It actually worked, neither of us cared.
So illegal and invalid. The fuq are they thinking?
Birds of a feather...
Can I please copy this? I’ll give you all the credit, it is painfully accurate.
“In 2015, Laura Knoblach, then 20 years old, was back home for the Fourth of July and her parents were shooting fireworks off in the backyard.
I like capers, but I’d leave them off. The rest sounds good, though
The giant Trump balloon needs to follow him from city to city when he goes to England.
It’s relief. It’s being able to go along with whatthefuckever he says, and not have to consider whether or not they agree with it. My president, right or wrong. The brain switch has collectively been disconnected.
i adored Diana. She was dealt a bad hand, and made a good life for the boys after the divorce. Camilla reminds me of a dishmop, and Charles can suck a teabag. That said, I wish all the best to Harry and Megan. The boys appear to have their heads on straight.
I’m sure there are quite a number of people that are pleased to know their president has a big hoo-hoo. I’m not one of them.
Sweety, you can do so much better. Let it go. (Speaking to both Aubrey and Vanessa)
Can we talk about the commercial? Peter Dinklage and God! I hope it runs forever.
It was safe. Nothing spectacular or shocking. Decent.
I, too, live in Portland. Portland is right next to the border between Oregon and Washington. Drive north on I-5 a few miles and you’re in self-gas-pumping territory. No big deal.
This. Exactly.
45. Refer to him as 45. Reduce him to a number.
I work in family law, and oh, yeah, it does. Exes can be vengeful maniacs that delight in running up major $ by filing complaints every time they turn around, for the stupidest reasons. The part that really gets me is when they involve the children in their hatred.