
As a receptionist, I totally get this. You can use my pen to sign, but give it the hell back!

Doc Pomus also composed “Can’t Get Used to Losing You”, the violin track on “Hook Up”. A huge hit for Andy Williams, my folks’ favorite singer when I was a pup.

Took my son to work, then stopped at the store. On the way home, “Let’s Go Crazy” comes on the radio. Roll down the windows, blast it in the rain, because it’s Portland.

And I say keep at it. Celebrate the man.

Not to one-up on grief or anything, just to say that I know...my father-in-law, grandmother, and father all died within 18 months of each other in 1992 and 1993. You don’t know how you’ll get thru it, but you do. Be strong when you need to, dear. You have lots of people who care.


The tiny bit of OCD in me is screaming at him to move the mohawk to the center of his scalp.

Rich, I’m so sorry for your loss. And isn’t it right to say it the same way we do when someone loses a human family member? We do love our pets.

I e-mailed a fairly nice contestant from OK Cupid, who stopped when I said I was renting, not buying.

I know I’m paid at the upper end of the scale for a receptionist in Portland, OR. It’s not enough for a single person, but I’ve made it work for 8 years. No savings, though, and at 58, I’ll never retire.

I carry an umbrella that folds up small enough to be jammed into my already full totebag right before the bus comes. Portland represent, y’all.

He does have the tan for it.

Exactly. I asked my-son-in-law who he was voting for last October, when the choice was wider and less scary. He said Trump, and reeled off all these reasons why he was the best...isn’t afraid to speak his mind, doesn’t care, build the wall, Muslims, taxes...the whole gamut. I tried to be calm, but damn. I told my

I live in Portland, OR. I’ll gladly die by one of these ways rather than THE BIG ONE, at least the rest of my family won’t die with me. I hate talking about this.

I saw this last night. It gave me a sad. I loved Izzy Stevens.

1970's teenage me would have killed for a jacket like that. I would now, too.

I’m sure I’m not the first to say that the Kardashians don’t need Kanye to make them look bad.

I got a flu shot in October, so this sneezing and cotton feeling in my sinuses better just be a cold.

HELL-O! Many, many stars here.

Try 5: fucking 15 every weekday. For 16 years.